
Teacher Statement

614 words | 3 page(s)

In this statement, I would like to be precise about my values and objectives as a teacher. During my studies in school and college I was lucky enough to meet numerous talented teachers and professors. All of them instilled a love of learning in me. From my personal experience, I have come to realize what it really means to be a good teacher. For me, teaching is about inspiring, opening new doors, and revealing other worlds to the student; yet, most of all, it is about helping each student feel his/her imminent value. It is through inspiration that a teacher is able to help students enter new ideas and learn.

Holding a Bachelor’s degree in the field of communication design, I find myself the perfect candidate for the assistantship position. Most importantly, my interest in the field is immense; I constantly keep up to date about the subject, expanding my knowledge through all kinds of sources (documentaries, books, magazines, etc.). I would say that I am a very persistent individual. When I am fascinated by a subject, I feel a certain passion which guides me in the further pursuit of the field. In fact, I think that a good teacher must constantly work on updating his/her knowledge. The teacher should be able to pass his/her passion and vigor on to the students. An energetic, hardworking, and passionate individual, I will certainly succeed in this endeavor.

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Today, with the ever-present cultures and genres, I find it is important to be well knowledgeable in current trends as well as current cultures. Art is hugely impacted by the different cultures and sub-cultures that can be found in the world today. I would teach my students the importance of different cultures and how the effect art. One such culture that is becoming very relevant and showing up is the Arabic culture, especially with typography. It is important to understand the culture in its full to create typography that reflects the culture while also not causing insult. Arabic typography should be taught to students because of the difficulty involved in it. The shapes of the letters can change depending where at in a word they are located and what letters are around them. This is just one example of many different typographies that can be very difficult for an artist to learn on their own that ought to be taught in schools, which I would teach.

Hence, my approach in teaching is based on presenting engaging, multi-faceted information in the course, while offering constant support and feedback to each of the students in the class. In addition, I find it essential to focus on the key ethical aspects. In my opinion, all professionals must be taught the basics of ethical conduct and how it applies to their jobs. With technology and modern communication approaches comes huge responsibility which cannot be underestimated.

Essentially, all teaching must be based on a respectful communication where each party is seen as an autonomous being. I am against teaching methods with strict hierarchical subordination. Going back to my own classroom experiences as a student, I mostly appreciated those teachers and professors who respected my thoughts and stimulated me to engage in further research. This way, I was able to grow as an individual and a professional.

Finally, I perceive teaching as my calling. This is exactly why I am applying for the position. I know that there are many things that I still have to learn and I am more than ready to engage on this journey. Furthermore, I am looking forward to discussing my ideas with the faculty and helping to build a stimulating, inspiring, and motivating learning milieu.

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