
Teaching Statement

615 words | 3 page(s)

I believe that teaching allows for a chance to make a difference in the lives of a plethora of students. There is a strong possibility to gain new insight on a daily basis in order to become increasingly interested in one or more subjects. Teachers play a role in molding the future of their students through the immense impact of their own understandings and views. There is a fostering of creativity that helps to develop character to and assists with providing skills towards meeting certain goals and productive levels. In essence, many people are attracted to the principles of teaching and education because there is a sense of critical service where a tangible difference can be made in the lives of individuals. By becoming a teacher, the fruits of efforts are continuously seen as intelligence is utilized in order to help each person involved excited about learning.

I tend to utilize several general principles of education and learning which are as follows: a) adequate knowledge in the subject matter, b) involvement of students, c) interaction between students and teachers, d) many routes towards understanding the subject matter and e) critical feedback is useful when both parties are informed. With regard to the first principle, it is always essential that teachers know their subject in a thorough manner. It is important to connect student’s learning capabilities with previous knowledge and there is a need to find analogies based on the field that is being taught about. As seen with the second principle, students need to be involved when learning so that there is an active mechanism where the process of information can be done properly. The third principle states that interaction is key when teaching and this tends to facilitate a type of motivation within academia. In many instances, children do not appreciate certain subjects if they are boring or if they simply do not understand it. When teachers make the learning process fun and interactive, there is a strong possibility that the student will thrive accordingly.

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The fourth principle emphasizes the use of critical feedback which is necessary so that students can grow and develop on a mental level over time. Critical feedback is also important for teachers so they can see where they need to improve as time progresses. Finally, the last principle states that there are many routes to take when understanding a certain subject matter. This means that students learn in different ways and teachers should promote unique strengths within the classroom.

For effective learner-centered instructions, it is necessary for teachers to follow the principles as stated above, but it is also beneficial to allow for meaningful parameters as students are learning. This means that descriptive outlines should be made as needed or presentations should be developed so that students can learn and retain information readily. Furthermore, it is critical that descriptive feedback exists on both domains because without this notion, neither teachers nor students can improve. There is a need to understand what can be done better and what is working well. In essence, positive reinforcement is necessary for students and teachers so that behavior that is desired is repeated. Moreover, feedback is beneficial because learners can be aware of progress factors towards specific goals that may exist. For example, with regard to English and writing, teachers can make comments pertaining to the great usage of vocabulary words within an essay or they may suggest words in order to broaden a student’s vocabulary. This is positive reinforcement with constructive feedback that the student can use for the future. Overall, teaching allows for both learners and teachers to thrive in a positive manner once applicable strategies and guidelines are utilized.

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