
The Earthquake In Haiti

310 words | 2 page(s)

The catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010 was the most devastating natural disaster ever to hit the small nation island. With more than three million people impacted by the quake, it may be said that here wasn’t one person on the island who did not have need for some sort of medical intervention. Nursing interventions were key to restoring order and health for many of the island’s residents. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention measures are proposed below that could have assisted in the restoration of health and order to the citizens of Haiti. They are presented with the phases of the disaster in which they would fall and the agencies that could help with facilitating the proposed interventions.

One possible primary nursing intervention for the Haiti earthquake would be the administration of vaccinations to the people of Haiti. Vaccinations could protect against many communicable diseases that would be spread by contact with ill people, sewage, and other situations. This would be administered in the response phase of disaster recovery, immediately upon arrival by health care teams. The agencies involved would be the Red Cross, the government of Haiti, governments of assisting countries, and volunteer agencies.

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A secondary nursing intervention for the earthquake would be screening of communities for existing disease, putting quarantines in place, and isolating cases of known disease This would happen in as soon as the response phase and continue through recovery. Agencies for collaboration would include military agencies, the Haitian government, the Red Cross, and others.

Lastly, a tertiary nursing intervention appropriate for the Haitian earthquake would be teaching the residents and injured about appropriate sanitation to prevent the spread of infection. This would be implemented as soon as the response phase and continue through the recovery phase. Local medical professionals, volunteer agencies, and Red Cross representatives would be the most appropriate individuals to collaborate with.

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