
The European Union Take On Bigger Role In Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Resolution

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The European Union should take on a more significant role in Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution.

Problem statement: the World War II and the Holocaust left over six million Jewish people killed and many more injured. After the two unlikely events, more of the Jewish people wanted to own their country. A conflict then arose of the position of Gaza relative to belonging to either of the two countries, Israel and Palestine. For decades now, Israel and Palestine have been fighting over Gaza. Jerusalem is one of the critical issues of this conflict between these two countries.
Area of focus: conflict resolution between the two rival countries. The role of the European Union in helping to solve the dispute between these two countries.
Key terms: The European Union, conflict resolution, Israeli, Palestinian
Thesis statement: because of its uniting factor and influence over Europe, the European Union will help a lot in solving the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

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Literature Review
Historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: from the times the Arabs and the Jews lived and agreed on many terms before the World War I to the time the conflict between them builder up both in the world war II and the Holocaust. The 1949 war between Arabs and Jews and the events that followed leading to the establishment of Israel nation. The conflicting issues between the two countries since the 1949 way to date (cite sources).
Historical overview of conflict resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the bodies and organizations that have tried to solve the conflict between the two rival countries.
Historical peacekeeping duty of the European Union: the involvement and commitment of the European Union to peacekeeping.
The link between the European Union peacekeeping commitment and the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict.
Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution
3. Support 1: the Israel-Palestinian conflict can be solved

Minor Point 1: other countries have had conflicts, others had worse than the Israel-Palestine case and had solved their differences. (Cite sources)
Minor point 2: there is a great need to solve the long stand differences between Palestine and Israel.
Support 2: the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict has led to immense losses
Minor Point 1: many people have been killed in the longtime stand conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Minor Point 2: a lot of property has been destroyed in the conflicts. This conflict has led to economic underdevelopment area under conflict.
Support 3: the European Union is the uniting factor of Europe

Minor Point 1: the European Union has a role to unite the countries in Europe and to maintain peace between and among warring countries.

Minor Point 2: strategies and policies that the European Union should use in attaining peace between Israel and Palestine.
Support 4: the European Union should play a greater role in conflict resolution between Palestine and Israel.

Minor 1: involvement of the European Union into the resolution process of Israel and Palestine would be a crucial phase of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Minor 2: if the European Union applies peacekeeping strategies and act as a negotiator between the two countries, their conflict will be solved.
Counter-argument 1: Israel and Palestine will never agree on critical issues in their conflict

Refutation: standing issues like Jerusalem claimed by both countries will always be a hindrance t the conflict resolution between the two countries.
Counter-argument 2: Interests of external influences could hamper progress with pro-Palestinian states and pro-Israel states all looking to push their interests.
Refutation: There are already countries like Egypt and United States which seemingly have taken sides. This is attributed to long standing diplomatic ties and hence their stance would not likely change with or without the EU playing an increased role since the ties go beyond the conflict.
Counter-argument 3: Two state resolutions could strain the relationship of the two countries the more and could lead to escalated wars or adversely affect the economy of one more so Palestine.

Refutation: Palestine is already facing severe economic, political and humanitarian crisis. Therefore resolving the conflict would not be the major factor affecting Palestine’s economy.

Restatement of Thesis: the conflict between Israel and Palestine will be solved if the European Union is substantially involved in the conflict resolution process.
Summary: the Israeli Palestinian conflict has been on for too long; the European Union is capable of bring peace between the two countries. The union, therefore, should, like it as done in solving other conflicts between and among other countries (mentioned in the literature review), play a greater role in the solution finding of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Links with literature: a few points about the European Union and the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Limitation: any limitations that make the European no to be actively involved in bringing peace between the two countries.

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