
The First Day Of College

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The first day of college is always a stressful time, especially for a freshman. A new student is living on their own, perhaps for the first time, and there is so much to learn. This happened to me, too, when I first went away to school. I was scared, worried, stressed and confused. But at the same time, it was also amazing because my life is changed from high school life to the college life. It is such a transition and there are so many differences between the two lives.

On my first day, I woke up at 7:00 a.m., then I got my car key, went to my car, started the engine and was thinking about where could I park. I figured that when I arrived to the college, I will ask any student to help me. I drove my car to college and was trying to find an available space for my car, but the parking was almost full. So I asked one of the students there if he knew of any place to park, and he told me about the other side of parking lot. So, I went to the other side and finally found an available space for my car, so I parked my car and turned off the engine. Then, I got out of the car, looked up, and became very confused because there is a lot of buildings, and I immediately felt lost.

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I saw some students were eating, so I went to those students, introduced myself and asked them where can I find someone to help me add and drop classes. They were nice enough to show me the building and told me there are many different people in there who could help me. Then I went to the building, and found a worker to help me to add classes. He was very nice because he gave me important information about my major. He taught me every single thing about what I was going to study, and what classes I could register for that would apply to my major. After that, he taught me how I could register by using the college website, which is both easy and convenient.

Right away, I recognized that registering for classes is one difference between high school and the college. In high school, I do not have to register. But in college, I have to register since there are a limited number of seats in each class, and once those seats are filled, the class is closed. And if a class is closed, I will either have to take the class at a different time, or in another semester, which can give me problems when planning for my major. So I was worrying about the seats. Also, I was worrying how I should begin in which classes and could I get 12 credits, or more than 12 credits. If the seats were full, I might not be able to take enough classes to fill the 12 credits.

After I registered my classes, I was figuring out where are my classes were located, because the college has a lot of buildings, and I didn’t know in which building I had to go to. Also I was very stressed and tried to organize my daily schedule. In addition, I was surprised there are some classes have around 150 students, which is much different than high school. It felt a little overwhelming to be in a class that large, at first. And I was scared about how could I understand the teacher and how to do well enough to earn an “A”. So I asked my teacher what could I do to get an “A” in your class, and he said to me his roles and added that if I did not understand something, I could go to the “Student Success Center” room to help me with all my classes in addition to his class. So, I went to the “ Student Success Center “ to help me with my classes.

Fortunately I feel that I am kind and generous, so that’s helped me meet a lot of students of different ages. For example, in the first day of the college, I contacted a lot of students to ask them for help. And, the students were all very nice and helpful, so they gave me their phone number and E-mail and they said to me that if I faced any problems, that I can contact them and asked them for help. This makes me feel good that there are people out there who are so willing to be helpful for a new student.

Unfortunately when I went to my car during my break, I saw a parking ticket in the front window of my car. I called one of the students who had said to me that I could ask him for help, so I asked him where could I take a ticket for a general parking because I got a fine. He said to me do not worry because this is a warning because it is your first time, then he told me where is the place to take the ticket for the general parking.

In conclusion, the college life gave me a lot of different experiences. For example, when I was in high school, I did not understand the exact meaning of responsibility. But after I entered the college life, I have already know I have to have more responsible in order to be successful. Also, I should ask many different people for help to learn from them, and apply their experiences to my own. All in all, I feel that going to this college will be a wonderful fit.

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