
The Impact of Capitalism on the Rights of People Across the World

339 words | 2 page(s)

As a prominent system of modern social and economic development, capitalism influences human life at all levels. The impact of capitalistic values is found in transformation of human rights and moral standards of living. On the one hand, capitalism has provided the developing countries with high living standards rising their wealth through industrialization, globalization, and connection to international markets. These new values, however, could not bring the developing countries with solid legal and moral background. Aside from being “the endless accumulation of capital wherever and however this accumulation may be achieved” (Wallerstein “Structural Crisis in the World-System”), capitalism provides numerous countries with exploitation, harsh colonization, and slavery.

Accumulation of capital allows the richest countries to exploit the poorest, and neither the world legal system, nor high moral standards promoted by the rich can stop it. There are a lot of examples of harsh exploitation and colonization that are presented in the world till today. For instance, a Bolivian trade-union leader Oscar Olivera mentions that because of a widespread privatization, “we have to make sure that the water continues to be ours” (Assies 14). People of Bolivia stay helpless and deprived of their civil rights, therefore, they should oppress capitalism that is nothing more than severe colonization of their natural resources.

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Capitalism that is understood as the constant accumulation of capital cannot be the only possible system of social and economic development today. It affects human rights across the world negatively because it helps the leading countries become even wealthier while the poorest developing countries are still exploited harshly because of their rich natural resources. Capitalism does not provide the poorest countries with decent legal background and high moral standards of living, therefore, it does not match the principles of humanism and equality of rights.

  • Assies, Willem. “David versus Goliath in Cochabamba: Water Rights, Neoliberalism, and the Revival of Social Protest in Bolivia.” Latin American Perspectives, vol.30, no.3, 2003, pp.14-36.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel. “Structural Crisis in the World-System: Where Do We Go from Here?” Monthly Review. Web. https://monthlyreview.org/2011/03/01/structural-crisis-in-the-world-system/

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