
The Most Important Natural Resources

326 words | 2 page(s)

Although humanity uses numerous natural resources to satisfy its needs, oil, natural gas, and coal are three essentials civilization is based on. These chemicals define our lifestyle, and we need them to maintain economy, politics, and everyday life. They are non-renewable, which makes them even more valuable.
Oil accounts for vast variety of fuels. Since most mechanisms use oil-based fuel, this chemical is vital for production, transportation, and everyday activities. According to California Energy Commission, numerous goods are made of oil, including clothing, household chemicals, and everything made of plastic. To collect oil, geologists drill the ground to reach its deposits. Then, they pump it with oil rigs and transport to factories. Crude oil is processed at oil refineries, which split it into various substances, including jet fuel, gasoline, etc.

Natural gas is usually found with oil. It is mainly used to maintain factories, to generate electric energy, and for transportation. Compressed natural gas is cheaper than oil-based fuels. Natural gas is also used for plastics production, which means that numerous goods we use on everyday basis are made of it. It is used for heating houses and cooking. To reach it, wells need to be drilled. Natural gas is pumped from the ground and transported via pipeline system to gas processing plants. Then, it is cleaned from contaminants, like water, hydrocarbons, and other chemicals. The final product is called dry natural gas.
Coal is mainly an energy source. Therefore, without it we could not use electricity. California Energy Commission states that 48 U.S. states have coal deposits. To harvest it, different mining schemes are used. For example, some mines install deep shafts that reach coal layer. In strip mines, massive shovels are used to clear the way to coal. Then, it is shipped to power plants that burn it to get energy.

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  • California Energy Commission. “The Energy Story – Introduction.” Energy Quest Room, 22 Apr. 2002, http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/story/chapter08.html. Accessed 21 April 2017.

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