
The Origin of the Civil War

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The US Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865. The American Civil war was also referred to as War Between the States. The war resulted in over 618,000 casualties in total. The causes of the war are associated to tension that built up early in the American history. There are several foundations that led to the American Civil War. Some of the causes include; the social and economic differences between the South and the North, the Federal versus the States rights, the fight between states that proposed slavery and states that were against slavery, the election of the president, Abraham Lincoln and growth of the Abolition Movement among others.

In 1860, President Abraham Lincoln was elected. The southerners were not comfortable with the government and they had the perception that if they stayed in the United States of America, the government would communicate to them what to do and the North would be in control. As a result some states in the South decided to secede from the United States. 7 states in the American South removed themselves from the Union in the middle of December 1860 and March 1861. South Carolina was the 1st state to abandon the Union and create their own nation called Confederate States of America. Within a period of four months six more states seceded. These federal states were Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. After some time the states of Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia later joined the new nation. Jefferson Davis was voted as the president of the nation by the people from these states. The northern federal states were denoted to as the Union.

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Abraham Lincoln’s main aim was to consolidate the political power and not to abolish slavery. These states decided to leave the United States mainly because they wanted to protect preserve their slave rights. The southern states were not in agreement with the North on slavery. The northern states needed slavery to be abolished. For the Southern states the war was to fight for their slavery rights while for the Northern states the war was fought to restore unity in the nation. The South believed that the North wanted to interfere with the westward expansion of slavery. Shots were fired from Fort Sumter on 12th April 1961. This is what led to the American civil war.

Another reason as to why the Southern states seceded from the United States was due to the structure of the government. The North was continuously trying to change the constitution. The North wanted the senate to be elected by a peoples’ popular vote and abolish the senate election by the state legislatures. The South was more interested in state sovereignty and the North was interested in the federal government having the ability to regulate and monitor the internal affairs of the states. Due to conflict of interest and disagreement, this is another reason that led to the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln could not let the South leave without a fight because he wanted to maintain unity among the states and not to separate them.

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