
The Science Book

283 words | 1 page(s)

Over the last 15 years the public’s appetite and interest in science and the discoveries it has yielded has grown exponentially. At the same time, pursuing an interest in science can be a daunting task given the vast body of knowledge it represents. The Science Book overcomes these hurdles be discussing 250 of the most significant scientific discoveries over the history of man.

Each of the 250 story’s are presented in an accessible and lucid manner, allowing the reader to lose themselves in a vast number of amazing discoveries as well as how these discoveries came about. Each story is supplemented with a sticking image that when combined provides a profound and unique introduction to the ever changing view and conception of our universe.

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Due to it layout, The Science Book is well suited for the reader to pick and choose differing aspects of science in which engage with and conveys a great deal of scientific methodology in terms of how scientific thought is dependent on previous discoveries. The book also conveyed the power of critical thinking, often by taking an everyday problem or scenario and working out an appropriate solution or using them as a metaphor.

As an inspiring scientist I found this book a fantastic introduction to the scope and range that scientific enquiry has to offer. The inspirational stories behind the discoveries as well as the sheer lifelong dedication of many of the books scientific minds have motivated me to engage and dedicate myself to scientific endeavors. Furthermore, the book has helped me understand the fundamentals of scientific enquiry and methodology, the importance of critically engaging with a problem while inspiring me to pursue science as a vocation in the future.

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