
Towards Establishing Waldorf and Montessori Approaches in Saudi Arabia

667 words | 3 page(s)

Attention Deficiency Hypertension Disorder (read as ADHD) can be defined as the behavior exhibited by children in terms of reduced attention to tasks and increased motor activity. It must however, be understood at the earliest opportune time that ADHD is not an attention disorder but a function of developmental failure in the brain circuitry that monitors inhibition and self-control (Hammerness, 2009). It has been found out that when this condition is manifest in any child, then, quick intervention is required so that the child leads to a productive health. Other medics have actually concluded, that it is a pure neurological condition (Roopnarine, 2005). Smithrim defines ADHD as that condition, which causes primary and secondary impairment in terms of decreased effectiveness in motor behavior and self-control. This lack of effectiveness is as a result of represented internal information in the victim child (Smithrim, 2007).

In the United States, ADHD is responded upon its identification at very early stages of the victim children. The literature around the topic has received considerable amounts of time and ink in equal measure. This paper will be an exploration into the setting up of the Waldorf and the Montessori schools in an attempt to respond to ADHD in children. It will be shown that despite of the prevalence, of this condition in Saudi Arabia, there has not been as much attention there as there has been in the US (McConaugly, 2011).

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In the Montessori approach, the child is made to understand that there is a great distinction between reality and fantasy. More often than not, ADHD children will not exhibit this correlation due to them being overwhelmed by this condition (Woods, 2009). Further, this approach recognizes that fantasies should be postponed until the child approaches the age of distinguishing the reality. Toys are usually not perceived as good learning tools. In Montessori, each manipulative material is used for a particular learning concept rather than for the purpose of fantasy (Selikowitz, 2009). Many elementary schools across the US practice this approach. The setting of this approach’s environment is that each child performs a learning task separate from the rest. The teacher acts as a facilitator (Schweinhart, 1988). It goes to the root of the child being independent rather than dependent. The approach emphasizes that a classroom is a place where a child can move freely and chose the tasks they want to partake themselves rather than being strict followers of strict time-tables (Zimmerman, 2003).

On the other hand, in the Waldorf philosophy, play and fantasy is viewed as pivotal in a child’s life. The teacher in this setting interacts with the children through story-telling and other forms of fantasy (Jamal, 2008). Toys are used as learning tools. The more suggestive the tool of learning under this approach, the more educative it is to the child. The teachers’ main role here is to facilitate and build the child to be a social being (Follari, 2007). This is done by the teacher joining in the singing and by humanistically assisting the children to work through disagreements. In terms of structure and order, the children may play as a group or individually, delve into art and craft, and at time delve into directed creative activities. The Waldorf setting sees the child thriving successfully in a rhythmic environment (Nicole, 2012). Both philosophies recognize that a child always needs to be secure in terms of development, but also the philosophies interpret this aspect differently.

ADHD cases in Saudi Arabia have been reported to be on the increase in recent times. A survey conducted revealed that out of 1287 children quantified, 80.3% of them were boys from public schools, 40.5% were from Saudi origin. The overall prevalence was rated at 12.4% (McConaugly, 2012). It has also been settled that diagnosis lies squarely in placating the situations in school and at home. This is aimed at leading productive lives of ADHD children. In Saudi Arabia, thus, the high prevalence of this condition must also be responded to, before it is too late. Transplanting ideas from US early childhood education set-up may be of essence (Wardle, 2009).

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