
Twitter versus Facebook

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Facebook and Twitter are two websites that people use for social media and networking. When people get on facebook they go to talk to their friends just like they do on Twitter. Facebook came out as a way that college students could keep in contact and meet new college students until they decided that everyone should be able to use the website. Twitter began as a social media site where people could go and share their thoughts or “tweets” with other people, interacting with friends and people that they don’t know but would like to talk to.

Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg in order for students at his college to have a way to communicate with each other. From there it evolved to other colleges and universities and then it went worldwide for everyone with an email account to use. On Facebook you can message other people, play games, join groups, instant message, and use different services such as creating resumes or looking for jobs. You can play interactive games with your friends and family members and it is now possible to add your credit card to your Facebook account just in case you want to buy games or tickets to do other activities. With the Facebook website everyone has their own page where they can post different status updates, pictures, share news and each page comes with a wall that their friends can post on.

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Twitter is a social networking website where users can send and read messages known as “tweets” of anything up to 140 characters. Jack Dorsey made Twitter so people could interact with each other through the web with shorter thoughts and messages. Twitter came out a few years after Facebook. It is used on a lot of different television shows or events such as awards shows or sporting events so people can all have their ideas and thoughts related to the show in one easy place. Twitter has the hashtag (#) option where anyone can click on the hashtag to find out what other people are saying. You have the option to follow other people to see what they are tweeting and if someone is following you back then you have the option to send direct messages to them.

The differences between Twitter and Facebook are that Facebook has more things to do than Twitter. You cant play games on Twitter like you can on Facebook and you don’t have the chance to instant message people. Facebook also has the poke option to notify someone, Twitter doesn’t give you this option. Twitter gives you the chance to link up to someone else that you don’t know through your thoughts and there thoughts by clicking on the hashtag. Retweeting something on Twitter is almost the equilavelent to liking something on Facebook. They both give you the option to add friends and share links while posting updates to your pages. On Facebook you are someone’s friend but on Twitter you are someone’s follower and it shows you who you are following as well as how many people are following you. Facebook gives you more control over what you have to say because it’s unlimited but Twitter only allows you up to 140 characters a post or tweet. Both Twitter and Facebook are the two most popular social networks in the world because they both come in different languages, Facebook having more languages available than Twitter.

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