
Two Party System

331 words | 2 page(s)

1) Over time, the major parties have begun to reflect the interests of Americans, but this is only because Americans have learned to fold their interests into what the major parties are doing. In the abstract, Americans tend to be more complex than the two party system represents, and they have to make many allowances in order to have their ideologies match up with that of the two parties. On the most general and basic levels, the parties match up. The Democratic Party appeals to people who see a more active role for the federal government in shaping lives, while the Republican Party appeals to those people who believe life is better without the activity of the federal government. Likewise, the two parties have come to represent certain things and values. Most recently, the Democratic Party has come to represent the fight for civil rights for various marginalized groups, while the Republican Party has cast its lot with ideas like stopping abortion and making Christianity a more prominent part of the country’s social and political life. In many cases, there are Americans who do not align perfectly with those ideas and values. The Democratic Party tends to represent my ideas and goals in some ways. I see the value of the federal government in protecting the rights of people from state governments, which have long been oppressive and tend to change with the popular tides far easier than the federal congress.

2) The major parties have kept third party candidates out of the lime light in part of because third party candidates provide for the possibility of chaos. The two party system is imperfect, but it largely protects the powerful interests that are elected by it, as well as those who are able to buy their own politicians through the system. Third party candidates provide an idea to young people especially that they do not have to adhere to the two party norm, which could displace those in power in the future.

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