
Understanding Civil Engineering

650 words | 3 page(s)

As I grew up from my childhood, many things such as bridges, roads, buildings, and other structures become fascinating to me in the manner in which they came to exist. The magnificent nature of the civil and structural pieces of work in different parts of the world has become the center of my desire to pursue a career in civil engineering so that I to take part in transforming the world in the form of infrastructural development.

My desire to pursue civil engineering is driven by the ever-growing demand for good infrastructure and new buildings. With the increasing population especially in the cities as well as the effects of global warming, the world looks to civil engineers to help design structures that are more efficient. Ever since my childhood, I have had an interest in the construction of different structures. The mechanical toys, building blocks, and other structural sets of toys formed part of my day-to-day activities, and as such helped develop my interest in this field of engineering. This interest together with the increasing demand for the services of civil engineers makes this profession more desirable for anyone with such a passion as I do. The future is very bright with this profession as it opens the way to more well-paying jobs.

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Moreover, the inspiration from other people the vast information available on the internet has also helped strengthen my passion towards civil engineering. The internet has made me understand that a background of Mathematics and Physics is necessary for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in most engineering fields. This knowledge has made me work hard in these subjects while in my middle school. In addition, my parents also took me to various construction sites where I got to see the passion with which engineers do their work. These experiences have helped strengthen my desire to take that career path.

There are several lessons that one could get from the presentations of the summer interns. The most important of all is that internship gives a student an opportunity to have a hands-on experience in the field, lessons, and the necessary tool that needed for the future. The interns are able to acquire new knowledge on how to fulfill tasks that are relevant to the career path. From the presentations, it was evident that getting an experience at the field enables an individual to develop a greater sense of professionalism such as the professional ethics. It is possible to reflect on the experiences of the internship so as to build more confidence in the career direction taken. Based on the comments that one makes about their experience at the internship, it is possible to know whether an individual is willing to enter a particular field. From the presentations, it is also evident that internship can also open up opportunities for individuals as it provides a forum for building new connections with senior employees as well as clients of whom others are able to act as referees.

The ODOT has introduced a new software known as ‘ShakeCast’ to help in post-earthquake bridge inspection. The new technology is one of the greatest advancement that enables the inspection of bridges based on factors such as the age of the bridge, proximity to the epicenter of the earthquake, and the condition of the bridge. Even though the program allows for the inspection of only a small number of bridges, the degree of confidence in a faster determination of potential damage is high.

In conclusion, civil engineering is a field that drives the infrastructural growth of the world and pursuing this career is just inevitable. The lessons learned from the presentation of the interns, further confirms that engineering is a practical based field that would engage an individual to a greater professional satisfaction. Moreover, the discovery of ODOT is a motivator to anybody who desires to take civil engineering to the next level.

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