
University Vs Technical School

608 words | 3 page(s)

The choice between a university and a technical school is a bugging question to most of the secondary school leavers. It is like comparing between two different fruits; they may give the same healthy benefits but the taste is always different. In this case the technical college and the university both offer degree education to a student who has completed their degree; however the experiences in both cases are very different. Both learning institutes offer the post-secondary students different styles of learning and different feel in education experiences. The motivation behind this is to cater for the requirements of the students enrolling in their programs. It is always good to have a choice; however it is even better to choose wisely. The main aim of this paper is to dig into this confusing choice and come up with various factors that every post-secondary school student consider before making a choice to join either of the institution.

Determining factors
Career choice should be the first determinant of whether you would like to join a technical school or a university; if a student does not know what he wants in a career it is better to head to a university. The reason behind this is simple; technical schools are career driven. They focus on areas that are going to be most beneficial to the student after graduation. This means that the student gets the first hand knowledge on matters involving their career. A university on the other hand, does not specifically give the technical knowledge on a specific career path because most of the information learnt becomes irrelevant with time. The other driving force should be money. University education is quite expensive while the technical education on the other hand is relatively cheap. $127,000 earns you a degree in a university while in technical school you will have to pay $33,000 to earn the certificate. Student loans usually cover some of the expenses but that means the university student will have more loans to pay even after clearing the university .On the other hand, one spends four years in a university while the technical school requires 6 months to 2 years to complete a course. This means that the students who join technical school start their careers earlier than people who are in university.

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This does not necessarily mean that those who are in universities have more disadvantages. After all they get to earn $15000 more a year than their technical school counterparts. It also means that the degree qualifies them to an immediate middle class life style than those who have the technical degree. If it was all about the money to be earned after school, then a university degree should be the first choice. The advantage in this case for a technical degree graduate is the job security they have since most of their work cannot be easily exported to another place unlike white collar university degree graduates.

As indicated there are several factors that require thoughtful consideration for any post secondary school graduate in matters of choosing between a technical school and a university. Everyone wants to go to a university after graduating from secondary school and of course there are great benefits to this; but a cost. Unlike the technical schools, the university degree will clear two years of working experience and there are major costs involved. Technical colleges are not just affordable; they give the knowledge required in a career head on. If anyone would want to start their career early in life and they already know what they want; it it is better to explore the technical school offers first before heading to university as a default choice.

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