
Urban Waterfront Engineering: London Canary Wharf

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Part A

London Canary Wharf is a premier financial institution in London. It is one of the biggest European central business districts that consist of a private estate having wide commercial, residential, and entertainment developments in the Area of Tower Hamlets situated on the Isle of Dogs, London. It is also amongst the tallest financial centers in the United Kingdom and Europe. It is a waterfront project mainly designed for business activities and leisure. It is also a residential district surrounded by water masses and has improved housing for the accommodation of the visitors and residents around the project.

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A lot of people live adjacent to the project since most of them had lands and properties before the urban waterfront engineering. The area was designed in the waterfront due to the developments of infrastructure including railways and roads leading to the place. Also, some geographical features such as a variety of water masses around the project and open space buildings inside the project for leisure by tourists makes the place more popular. The open spaces such as the parks inside the project are used for leisure purposes and creating of a sense of well-being and serenity. The primary economy of the project is investment through opening up business opportunities and provision of residential and open spaces for human leisure.

From the year 1801 to 1939, the area was amongst the busiest docks around the world. However, around 1960’s, there was a decline of the port industry leading to the closure of all docks by 1980. After the closure of the docks, there was an adoption of policies by the British government contributing to the stimulation of the area’s redevelopment. The today’s London Canary Wharf started when a former Credit Suisse First Boston chairman called Michael Von raised an idea of converting the canary wharf into a back office. Later in a period of about 20 years after 1995, Canary Wharf Group was allowed to renovate the building further and publicized it making more popular and accessible to most investors since it is a commercial building. The cultural activities around this area are artwork and architecture. However, accessing the place from London City requires one to use a taxi or a public transport to the Canary Wharf which is only 3miles and takes 10 to 14 minutes. From London Airport, one can enter the projects through the gates that are opened up by security agents at any time of the day from any side.

Part B
London Canary Wharf is amongst the biggest employers in London having over a hundred thousand workers. This is due to its popularity and good management strategies employed. However, being a premier banking institution in the United Kingdom, this organization suffers a variety of challenges that are contr4olled through good and effective governance. In the development of London Canary Wharf, strategic leadership was crucial for the management and control of the entire activities that take place in the institution. The joy seen in the government officials leading to support and endorsement of the scheme meant that the project was successful and strategic for the development of other projects as well as the creation of employment for the many citizens. The project created job opportunities not only for the people around it but also business experts from other states stabilizing the country’s economy. Most people were employed in the hotels, business stores, and as directors in the institution.

The organization faced stiff competition and criticisms at first due to incompetent leaders and founding members who hardly agreed with each other. However, the criticisms meant nothing to them and their efforts towards making the institution one of the most popular and profitable within the planned period was a success. Nevertheless, it also failed in staying in good relation with the neighborhoods. This created demonstrations by the neighboring residents up to today since protesters have been seen in London City carrying banners reading “Kill the Canary, Save the Island.” Therefore, the project was too big to fail based on the plan and design as well as the goal for the structuring of the project. Similarly, the outstanding success proves that the project was too big to fail.

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