
Virtual Support in Healthcare for Humans

855 words | 3 page(s)

This proposal will discuss the use of intelligent virtual agent based technology to support humans in order to clearly understand the knowledge they receive from their doctors. This paper will review the research on how human patients can use various forms of technology to discuss their condition with a variety of physicians from the convenience of their home. As well as, how doctors can discuss and learn with their colleagues considering a patient’s disease. The research used in this paper is from a variety of healthcare sources, scholarly research studies, and journals related to technology and healthcare. This proposal will ask the following questions:

In what ways does the ability to connect with a virtual team of healthcare officials affect their treatment?
What causes some people to use technology to discuss their diagnosis with a virtual team?
Do people use forms of social media to connect or research their medical team?

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The three primary processes of diagnostic reasoning, according to Li, Li, & Li, (2015) characterization, discrimination, and observation are employed by a medical team to treat their patients. (pp S55-S59). The medical team, if it a teaching hospital, often use virtual agents in “integrating multimedia into teaching and learning enables students to exercise their creative and critical thinking skills and to face the real-life situation of problem solving (Starbek, Erjavect, & Peklaj, 2010).” Not only can the medical team connect and review the diagnosis of the patient. If anyone has any questions they can discuss those questions at this time. Some hospitals use podcasts, webinars or videos to share this information with one another. According to Starbek, Erjavect, & Peklaj (2010) that they

“investigate Mayer’s first principle (Mayer & Moreno 2002) of how to use multimedia – the Multimedia Principle; that it is better to present an explanation of words and pictures than solely in words. The other six principles were considered when designing material in our multimedia representations: the Spatial Contiguity Principle (corresponding words and pictures are presented near each other on the page or screen), the Temporal Contiguity Principle (corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously), the Coherence Principle (extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are excluded), the Redundancy Principle (an animation and on-screen text, without narration) and the Individual Difference Principle (the aforementioned strategies are most useful for novices – which the students in our study were). In our research, we were not able to con- sider the Modality Principle (animation with narration is better than animation with on-screen text), because of difficulties with equipment in the schools involved in the experiment. (p.214-224).”

Since many people use various forms of social media and technology in their personal lives, people tend to research or discuss their diagnosis online Patients have become comfortable with the use of technology and are accepting of the use virtual agent. “Most standard configurations of VR interaction present a computer- generated, virtual environment for the patient with measurement of the patient response, usually followed by rather stereotyped changes in the computer-generated presentation. The patient’s behavior is thus molded to the computer “conception” of reality (Steffin, 2000).” In this manner the patient can move around the screen, ask or answer fundamental questions gives them with a virtual agent. As a result, the healthcare field has begun to utilize technology to develop virtual ways for patients to connect with medical field to answer questions that they may have regarding their disease. There are not many studies directly related to providing content knowledge in a virtual field. These virtual devices can be fitted into their patient’s room or through their personal technology at their homes. The research approach that the researcher will take is through a conceptual framework.

The use of a conceptual (theoretical) framework which is an “attempt to connect to all aspects of inquiry (e.g., problem definition, purpose, literature review methodology data collection and consideration, methodology, data collection and analysis). This research approach will allow the researcher to connect and research all related material linked to knowledge acquisition and the discovery of the use of intelligent virtual agents or agent-based technology which will support humans as they go through the treatment related to their disease. This type of connection may help all the patients to make a connection, albeit virtual, with their medical team whenever they need help, have questions or just need reassurance. Also, the medical team can connect with one another via the internment whenever they need help. Technology a field is an area that more and more hospitals are using to facilitate better treatment for their patients. “The use of virtual individuals allows more medical personnel to interface with one another and develop a relationship with one another. the development of mechanisms for virtual agent perception and action is neither a trivial nor a straight- forward task. (Anastassakis, & Panayiotopoulos, 2014).” However, the research in this field is limited to broad studies.

Bringing knowledge acquisition and discovery of the use of a virtual component has not been researched thoroughly. As a result, more research is necessary to determine if this is a really good component, faulty component or just another component to be used in patient care. Further studies in this area will determine the answer.

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