
What Does Deaf Look Like?

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Cover your ears completely and use your other senses to try to understand what the others are trying to say to you. How does it feel to hear just muttering sounds? A deaf person lives like this every day of their lives. “Deaf” is a word many people use to describe people who can no longer hear. However, there are various levels of deaf. It can be partial deafness or complete deafness. Not many people noticed that there is a difference between deaf and partially deaf. They thought someone who is deaf cannot talk correctly and can only speak with their hands. Moreover, people also have the impression that we can read lips and can hear other things besides words. A deaf person is someone who has hearing loss, but can hear with one ear as well. When I tell people that I am deaf, they were shocked to see me talking so well like they do.

It is not easy to communicate with people who have trouble understanding those who have hearing problems. Yes, we might look different and act different, but deep down we are just like any other ordinary people on Earth. We think the same way and just learn differently. Being born in completely deaf might be a struggle, but God always gives a gift back in return. The gift is for an intellectual person to learn differently, but knows the same knowledge. ASL or American Sign Language is an art, while some say that it is a foreign language. Of course, writing is a way deaf people can communicate, but it would take too long to express our thoughts every time when we want to say something. We might have hearing disability, but are just like any other human being on Earth.

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Not that many people even notice that there are people who are partially deaf. We act and talk like there is nothing wrong with us, but actually we were struggling, too. In a crowded area, the truth is that we can barely hear and understand the speaker. Partially deaf people are very keen on reading lips and notice body movements. I have one ear that can hear, so when people speak, as long as I am able to read their lips, I can always follow what they say like any other people. However, when people speak too fast, it is very hard and frustrating to follow. There were times when I get so mad and impatience, especially when I must get the message immediately and I cannot at the moment. Fortunately, I have learned my ways to ease my burdens. Whenever I noticed I started to get agitated, I would take a deep breathe to try again. If that does not work, I would ask the person to repeat one more time, so I can catch what I have missed. Usually, people who knew me would speak at a slower pace to help me understand what they say. It is only new people that I meet who might cause such a discomfort.

In conclusion, deaf means to have hearing loss. Just like our eye sights, hearing loss can come in different levels. Some people can no longer hear anything, which is considered total deaf. However, there are those who are more fortunate to have one good ear, which is considered as partially deaf. People who are deaf can only rely on sign language to communicate. Those who are partially deaf can hear something, along with reading lips and using sign language to communicate. This is the group of people who act and learn just like others. They are the ones who might not be noticed with the disability. They do struggle, but have faith and determination to overcome the trouble of communication. Regardless, deaf might be a disability, but they can be successful just like other people do, as long as they are determine to do so.

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