
What Segment Of Microcosmos Struck You Most Curious

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The strikes most curious in the video documentary is to see ants, the worker ants, walking in a straight line while they are on their way to finding food, along the way, these small creatures leave a chemical odor of scent for they not to lose their way when they are going back home. These worker ants though walk at night, in the two seasons, both the spring and the summer, to get food for their queens to just reproduce by laying eggs. If the outside temperature is not too low or the colony is warm, the ants can be active in winter too, more so those colonies near a sink or damp areas. The ants love sugar, and they are in a position to detect sugar using a chemoreceptor that is located in their antennas. Hence the chemo-receptor helps them to find food. The carpenter ants are very peculiar, they feed on wood, and therefore they can damage homes by chewing on walls and build big tunnels.

The possible research topic that can be suggested from the Microcosmos video is; research to determine whether ants are attracted to the sugar only or all forms of carbohydrates?

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The experiment to determine the food of preference to ants
Besides a busy line of ants that walk in a straight line, various food substances were placed beside their lines each 50cm a part. These food substances were; sugar, rice, and bread. Water was also place beside the line to act as the control experiment for the performed experiment. The experimental food substances were checked, after 15 minutes, 30 minutes and at interval sessions(Hanks, 2016). The findings were documented on the data sheet, as it is shown below.

Why are the yellow jackets attracted to the pepsi
They were attracted to the pepsi because they need the sugar content of the pepsi soda. The soda contains an odor that attracts the yellow jacket. This makes them to consistently come to feed on the pepsi.

Hypothesis to why the yellow jackets are attracted to soda.
i. The yellow jackets are attracted to the synthetic sugar more than the natural sugar
ii. The yellow jackets are attracted to the synthetic sugar more than the natural sugar
iii. The yellow jackets are attracted to water part of the soda
iv. The yellow jackets are not attracted to water part of the soda
v. The yellow jackets are attracted to the soda by scent
vi. The yellow jackets are not attracted to the soda by scent.
The experiment was carried out to determine if the yellow jackets are more attracted to the synthetic sugar or the natural sugar. In this experiment, 10 grape fruits are placed in a beaker, and the pepsi soda is also pour in the beaker, the two are left in the football pitch 20 meters apart, and observations made after 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes (Kidler, 2010). The observations were then recorded to certify the hypothesis that the yellow jackets are more attracted to the synthetic sugar more than the natural sugar. The same experiment was performed to prove the null hypothesis that the yellow jackets are attracted to the synthetic sugar more than the natural sugar.

The experiment was carried to determine whether the yellow jackets wanted the sugar from the pepsi or it wanted the water. In this experiment, the beaker f water and a beaker of pepsi soda were left, the two were put in the football pitch and left for observation to be made and recorded. The experiment for the null hypothesis was also recorded.

In an experiment, the pepsi soda was added to ammonia liquid, the other was without any addition, the two were placed 10 meters apart and the observation made after 10 minutes and 30 minutes. The result is then to be recorded.

  • Hanks, J., (2006). Experiment: Reviewing Number 15 Minutes. Insect Biology Journal 7(11), 30-34.
  • Kalder, Z., (2010). What attracts insects in food. Journal of food and attraction 8(78), 50-51.

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