
Which Is Better Co-Educational Or Single-Sex Education?

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The current education system has undergone numerous reforms. One of the major reforms concerns genders balance. Some schools offer education to one form of gender whereas other offer education for both genders. This kind of transformation affects not only private schools but also public schools. Halpern et al., (2011) asserts that co-education is the type of system whereby education is offered for both genders in one facility. On the other hand, single-sex education is the system whereby education is offered to only one form of gender. For instance, there schools that set only to teach girls while other schools are meant for boys. There has been heated debate on which type of system is the best. For me, the best system that should be encouraged across the globe is co-education. Thus, the purpose of the paper is to discuss and explain the advantages and the disadvantages of the two education systems.

Single-sex education is a system that has been mainly applied in the private sector. However, currently, even the public schools have adopted this technique. Mael et al., (2005) reveal that in the last five years only less than one thousand schools offered the single-sex education system. However, this is somehow changing since 156 schools offer single-sex education. Other schools are planning to implement this type of education shortly. The main issue has been the reason for the increased interest in single-sex education. Sax (2005) maintains that one of the challenges of single-sex education is that it may be a reinforcing factor for increased gender stereotypes. In addition to the above, the American society is highly diverse. Therefore, there is no assurance whether the single sex system will work. This is mainly in the concern of the low-income families whereby education levels is very small.

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Several reasons are cited by those who promote single-sex education. An example of the significance of having single sex education is Seattle’s Thurgood Marshall Elementary School. Before the school was changed to a single sex, the results were very poor and undesirable. The principal of the institution saw the need to re-invent the school in this strategy; the girls studied in their classes while the boy studied in different classes. Due to this renovated approach, the results have substantially improved. In essence, the percentage performance of the boys has improved from 10 to 66. Girls also benefited from the single-sex education system whereby their performance in math substantially improved. The change saw 53 girls pass due to the change. In that connection, it is clear that single-sex education system enhances performance.

Co-education is another type of education that has both negative and positive implications. Several positive implications make co-education the best strategy that should be implemented. One of the major features of co-education is that it allows students from diverse background to interact. Boys have different experiences in life as compared to girls. As such, this system of education allows them the golden opportunity to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge. Secondly, it is imperative to note that education systems are not only meant to enhance academic goals but also the real life skills of the students. According to Smithers and Robinson (2006), one of the major advantages of co-education is that it prepares students to mixed sex workplaces, families, and citizenry. In essence, there are no workplaces that are meant for women alone or men alone. All workplace entails men and women who share resources such as offices and equipment. Therefore, exposing students to the other genders expands their knowledge and how to deal with the other gender. The other issue is that families consist of both genders and thus children must know how to deal with such genders.

Research has indicated men who attended single-sex education system have a high rate of divorce. This is in comparison with the men who went through the coed system. In particular, those who went through the single sex system divorce in the early 40’s. This may be supported by the fact that such individuals may not have been exposed to the other gender. In addition to the above, it is profound to note that coed system has numerous benefits when compared to the single sex system. For instance, the single-sex education reduces the student’s opportunity to work together in a supervised environment.

In conclusion, based on the analysis and discussion it is precise to note that coed is better than single sex education. Single-sex education denies students the opportunity to interact and share ideas with the opposite sex. On the contrary, coed education prepares students to future workplaces, families, and citizenry. In addition to the above, research reveals that those who went through single-sex education divorce at a higher rate as compared to those who went through the coed system. In that case, it is better for coed education to be encouraged. There are no workplaces that are meant for women alone or men alone. All workplace entails men and women who share resources such as offices and equipment. Therefore, exposing students to the other genders expands their knowledge and how to deal with the other gender.

  • Halpern, D.F., Eliot, L., Bigler, R.S., Fabes, R.A., Hanish, L.D., Hyde, J., Liben, L.S. and Martin, C.L., 2011. The pseudoscience of single-sex schooling. Science, 333(6050), pp.1706-1707.
  • Mael, F., Alonso, A., Gibson, D., Rogers, K. and Smith, M., 2005. Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling: A Systematic Review. Doc# 2005-01. US Department of Education.
  • Sax, L., 2005. The promise and peril of single-sex public education. Education Week, 24(25), pp.34-35.
  • Smithers, A. and Robinson, P., 2006. The paradox of single-sex and co-educational schooling. Buckingham: Carmichael Press.

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