
Why Do People Vote Democrat or Republican?

636 words | 3 page(s)

The most fascinating inquiries regarding election results do not pertain to which candidate claimed victory, but to why constituents cast their ballot in the fashion they did and what the long-term ramifications are from those votes. These are very complex issues. Simply reviewing how the campaign was conducted and what needed to be voted on will not complete this task. Since each election has its own specific characteristics, this and an examination of the why people voted the way they did must be analyzed to produce a total assessment. Therefore, several basic tenets and concepts are incorporated in the research on how people vote to serve as a foundation for comprehending not only why people vote either Democrat or Republican, but what drives them to vote the way they do in the first place.

Two primary issues dominate researching how people vote the way they do. The first is clarifying the final determination of the election by pinpointing the basis on why each person casts their ballot the way they do. We endeavor to comprehend the final product of an election by appreciating alterations in the way people vote and what thoughts send the voter to one side or another. The second condition is analyzing how people vote throughout a certain designated period of time. This is performed to grasp what the results relay in regards to the current and historical background of politics in the United States. Therefore, we must emphasize the motivations of how and why people vote the way they do.

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There are several different reasons that can be ascertained when a person selects their candidate in an election. The top circumstances are: how certain policy issues are personally perceived, how an individual determines whether the current form of government is performing well and how a candidate personally appeals to the voter. When a constituent is asked what the basis is of personal feeling for a candidate entails they are likely to reply these traits hold the most sway: party identification and how they look at society. For example, a person that feels government should have a major say in social programs, they would vote for a Democrat that is espousing social issues. If business and economy is a primary concern, as possibly there is a unemployment problem in the area, the individual would be more prone to vote Republican, as they take an approach to improve business by a hands-off-methodology.

The electoral college is also a factor that must be taken into consideration. This institution promotes a two-party system and makes it quite difficult for third party platforms to garner votes. This is for a variety of reasons, such as campaign funding and the winner-takes-all format. Many voters simply identify themselves with one of the parties as this inculcated in peoples’ heads throughout their lifetime. If registered as a Republican, they always vote in that manner and the same holds true for Democrats. Also, they may feel they have no choice to vote any other way because the American system is established in this way.

In addition, it must be kept in mind, people vote the way they based on their own personal principles and what affects them closely. For example, people with a more progressive outlook on tend to vote for Democrats, such as minority groups and younger voters. People with a more conservative take on government usually vote Republican. Also, what kinds of policies would make their life easier or what do they personally believe in? Local politics are the arena most people contend with every day so how they would vote in a national election does depend on what is going on at home. Overall, how a person votes, whether it be Democrat or Republican is complicated and is not a simple question to provide a succinct response to.

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