
Why Go To Boarding School When You Could Go To Day School?

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One of the common challenges most parents will face is sending their children to boarding school versus daytime institutions. This is because both offer certain advantages. In general, the decision will often revolve around their comfort level, convenience and personal philosophy on education. For the astute, boarding school is an ideal solution. As their children will have a number of benefits they cannot receive anywhere. To fully understand these advantages requires examining what they offer in comparison with day schools. These insights will illustrate why parents will chose these institutions. (Taylor, 2009)

Boarding School versus Day School
Boarding school offers children with the ability to survive on their own. When they become an adult, the lessons they learn enable them to understand and adapt to the world around them. This occurs through not having the assistance of their family and being forced to develop strong personal relationships. (Taylor, 2009)

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At the same time, they will learn discipline and to have structure in their lives. In this these institutions, there are prearranged curriculum and activities for everyone. This means that they will go through rigorous academic standards. Once they have completed their studies, is when they will participate in various sports programs, extracurricular activities and take special trips with the school. This helps the individual to see more of the world and have well a rounded lifestyle. When they are ready to go to college, these students will have the experience from living on their own, ability to take care of themselves and good study habits. These factors will increase their chances of being successful. (Taylor, 2009)

Moreover, those children who live at home will have greater distractions. This is because they will have their siblings to contend with, numerous entertainment options (i.e. video games / TV) and their parents will not aggressively enforce the rules. At a boarding school, discipline is one of the central themes. This means that the distractions are less and children will engage in activities which are constructive. When this happens, they can focus and learn about other things that will allow them to grow mentally / physically. (Taylor, 2009)

There are many parents who prefer sending their children to day school. This is because they believe that these institutions provide a number of benefits which are simply not available through boarding schools. The most notable include: the ability to interact with their children, greater personal choices and they are more cost effective. (Taylor, 2009)

The ability to interact with their children is important to most parents. This is because they can monitor and address issues in the child’s life. When they are at a boarding school, this is someone else’s responsibility. This means that they could be subject to harsher punishments which may not yield any kind of benefit. If the parent is actively involved, they can determine how and when discipline will occur. This gives them greater control over their lives and it allows the person to feel as if they can express themselves. Inside many boarding schools, this can lead to issues of depression and isolation. It is at this point, when they could become suicidal or withdrawn from those around them. (Taylor, 2009)

Greater personal choices allow children to determine how and when they will meet up with their friends. At a boarding school, this does not happen by seeing the same people day and night. Moreover, there is the freedom to determine, if someone wants to go to a particular place and plan their schedule. In boarding schools, there is no flexibility as all events and activities are coordinated in advance. Once the person becomes older, they may have trouble adapting to different environments from not having this flexibility. (Taylor, 2009)

Day schools are more cost effective. This is because the parents have to pay for the children to go to school and come home. Any meals and other programs are covered under various federal / state programs. This reduces their expenses for housing and taking care of the children. (Taylor, 2009)
However, in spite of these benefits, boarding schools have been shown to be more effective in providing a better quality of education and teaching everyone about life. This allows the person to be prepared for the challenges they will face in the future. While there are some drawbacks of going to these institutions, the individual can learn to adapt and how to survive in different environments. Boarding schools are the first step in teaching children these skills and it offers them with a set of values / discipline. (Taylor, 2009)

As a result, they can help to develop students by encouraging them to learn new ideas and understand how to adjust socially. When they become older, this makes them well rounded and able to understand how the world works. In any situation, these skills will enable everyone to succeed by teaching them these insights early on. (Taylor, 2009)

Clearly, parents are choosing boarding schools because of the benefits they provide. The most notable include: they learn how to live their own, there is more discipline and students are well rounded. In the future, this prepares the child for challenges they will face and it teaches the skills to successfully resolve them. When this happens, they are better prepared for these events and can adjust quickly to any problems. This is something that day schools cannot provide and it is highlighting why parents are choosing these institutions over others.

  • Taylor, S. (2009). A Good School for Every Child. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.

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