
Women’s Suffrage

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In spite of the fact that history does not change, our interpretation of history often varies throughout the years as different facts associated with a particular event become more important than others and perceptions shift. While this sometimes takes years to occur, it is occasionally possible to see this type of shift starting to occur, as when two colleagues start to look at the same subject through a different lens. By working to understand the perspectives of Professor Kuhlman and Professor Woodworth-Ney, it will be possible to see the similarities and differences between the two, whether or not either professor is able to find specific trends within the women’s suffrage movement, and whether or not the women’s suffrage movement could be considered to be evolutionary or revolutionary based on this information.

The primary focus of Professor Kuhlman’s lecture was a concern with the chronology of the women’s suffrage movement, including the different variants that could be found during the course of that movement (Kuhlman, 2012). Of the many different topics discussed by Professor Kuhlman, one of primary focus was the method by which historians are able to utilize chronologies as a means of identifying key events and in doing so, affording them the availability of creating an interpretation of the past (Kuhlman, 2012). Kuhlman identified that there was not any overall pattern that could be associated with the women’s suffrage movement as there was a distinct randomization between different countries and the dates they granted suffrage (Kuhlman, 2012). Females were believed to be second class citizens the whole world over, and treated as such; it must be pointed out there was a trend showing that in the Protestant dominated nations were more apt to grant suffrage quicker than Catholic dominated nations (Kuhlman, 2012). Professor Woodworth-Ney likewise stated that there was no discernible pattern overall when viewing the topic of suffrage, but was able to find a pattern when reviewing suffrage in the Western states of the U.S., with a larger number of states granting suffrage before the 19th amendment was ratified (Woodworth-Ney, 2012).The professor indicated a belief that the increase in suffrage in the West was linked to the frontier experience (Woodworth-Ney, 2012). When comparing the two professor’s viewpoints it is possible to see that Professor Kuhlman concentrated on the overall picture, while Professor Woodworth-Ney’s focus was more associated with the Western U.S. and the smaller picture (Kuhlman, 2012; Woodworth-Ney, 2012).

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Other rights or concerns that were presented along with the matter of women’s suffrage were divorce reform, equal economic rights, personal property rights, the right to sue, and child custody (Woodworth-Ney, 2012). Though these matters are equally important, women’s suffrage received the most attention as a result of its success; some of the aforementioned areas were not successful until the 1970s (Woodworth-Ney, 2012).

The right to vote was evolutionary in nature, as may be seen when viewing all movements at the time in a linear progression. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first public forum wherein the women’s right to vote was truly demanded (How were women’s lives changing in the late 19th century…, 2012). The Abolitionist Movement worked to extend the suffrage movement as a result of the efforts of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton, who took that which they had learned working with the Abolitionist Movement and applied similar practices to the suffrage movement (How were women’s lives changing in the late 19th century…, 2012). The late 19th century showed in clear progression that women’s rights were changing; it was reflected in the decreased birthrates, increases of women in the workforce, and as a result of the rise of the industrial economy (How were women’s lives changing in the late 19th century…, 2012). These increases in power only served to reinvigorate the desire for the right to vote (How were women’s lives changing in the late 19th century…, 2012).

  • ISU. “ITRC Flash Media Player.” How Were Women’s Lives Changing in the Late Nineteenth Century, and Which Direction Was the Women’s Movement Taking? ISU, 2012. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. http://media.itrc.isu.edu/
  • Kuhlman. “ITRC Flash Media Player.” Was There Any Pattern to the Granting of Women’s Suffrage? ISU, 2012. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. http://media.itrc.isu.edu/
  • Woodworth-Ney. “ITRC Flash Media Player.” ITRC Flash Media Player. ISU, 2012. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. http://media.itrc.isu.edu/
  • Woodworth-Ney. “ITRC Flash Media Player.” Were There Any Other Arguments Presented? ISU, 2012. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. http://media.itrc.isu.edu

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