
Constructing Geometric Figures Using a Compass and Straightedge

652 words | 3 page(s)

In geometry, the word construction has a specific definition. It is the drawing of geometric figures such as circles and lines using a straightedge and a compass only. The method of using a compass and a straightedge in drawing geometric figures is advantageous than the use of a drawing program. The method enhances the reasoning capacity of the students, gives the students experience in construction and also enables them to grasp geometric concepts. Hence, students perform well in their geometry classes when they acquire adequate skills of using a compass and a straightedge. This implies that students should me made to understand how to construct geometric figures using a compass and straightedge.

Use of a compass and straightedge is better when compared to the use of a drawing program because the method gives the student hands-on experience (“The Reasons Why I Think Using a Compass…”). Most students learn best through solving practical problems such as those of using a compass and a straightedge to construct geometric figures. On the other hand, use of computer programs in the drawing of geometrical shapes is not any better compared to the construction of geometric figures using a compass and straightedge. This is because one needs a computer having a drawing program already installed. Acquisition of both the computer and drawing program can be expensive compared to buying a compass and straightedge.

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When using a compass and straightedge to construct geometric figures, the student can trace what is happening because they do it step by step. To do it successfully, the student has to think before implementing the next step in the process of construction. Also, when students use a compass and a straightedge in construction, it opens doors for them to be in a position to use more sophisticated tools when solving mathematical problems (“The Reasons Why I Think Using a Compass…”). On the other hand, the use of a drawing program does not involve steps, the computer does all the necessary tasks in the background and then displays the desired result. In such a case, the student does not observe what the computer does until it produces the results. Therefore, the students are not well acquainted with the required skills. In addition, the practical way of learning mathematical concepts builds students’ abilities even in other subjects.

As much as many people believe that it is more important for students to learn construction of geometric figures in the old fashion way, use of drawing programs is becoming common in today’s classrooms. A recent study by mathematics experts from the University of Illinois suggests that the use of technology (drawing programs) in teaching geometry at high school level helps students understand geometry concepts faster. It also enables students to discover more geometric relationships what could not be discovered when applying the old methods (using a compass and a straightedge). The study also found out that students were made to think about mathematics from a different perspective. However, the study noted that integration of technology brought about complications in the lesson plans (Ciciora).

From the above argument, it is evident that students need knowledge of using a compass and straightedge in construction. Use of these two instruments benefits the student in many ways. One of the benefits is that the student gets the required hands on experience because theycarry out the process practically. Second, the student can follow the steps involved in constructing a geometric figure. Therefore, the student grasps the concepts of geometry. Whereas the use of technology might seem more advanced and better, it has a huge drawback because it brings unnecessary complications in the lesson plan.

  • Ciciora, Phil. Adding Technology to Geometry Class Improves Opportunities To Learn. Illinois News Bureau, 15 December 2009. news.illinois.edu/view/6367/205748. Accessed 15 February 2018.
  • The Reasons Why I Think Using a Compass and a Straightedge is Better Than Drawing Programs. Kibin, n.d. kibin.com/essay-examples/the-reasons-why-i-think-using-a-compass-and-a-straightedge-is-better-than-drawing-programs-DccgjQkk. Accessed 15 February 2018.

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