
Personal Change

808 words | 3 page(s)

During the last year, I have had many important changes in my life, and these have led to several changes in my behavior in my personality. Because I started to study abroad, I had to learn to become independent because I could no longer rely on my family and friends to help me with the things I needed to do. For the first time ever, I had to learn to cook, do my own laundry, put together furniture in order to make my apartment comfortable, and generally take care of everything for myself. In the past, I had been able to turn to my parents and family in China, where I grew up, so that whenever I needed something new or had to get involved in some change, I could always rely on the people at home to help me learn the skills that I needed. Leaving home was a huge change for me, because I had to take responsibility for just about everything in my life.

Another change that I had to make because I am studying abroad is managing my money. There are so many costs connected with living independently and going to school abroad, that for the first time I have had to really understand how to manage my money including saving some of it. Also, it was necessary to get a part-time job so that my family would not have to pay so much for my education, and that was a big change for me because I never had to work at the same time that I was going to school. It has been very challenging to learn how to figure out how to combine working at a job with studying hard enough at school so that I can get excellent grades. All of this will be worthwhile because of I work hard now, when I am finished with school I will be able to find a job that will pay enough money to support me and take care of myself.

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Since this is the first job that I have ever had, I have also had to learn how to make relationships with my coworkers, and how to relate to my boss who is in charge of my work performance. I have had to learn that when talking to my boss, it is definitely not the same as talking to someone my own age, like my friends, and that I have to make sure that I keep a professional manner, a respectful tone, and make sure that I always give the impression that I take the job seriously and I will work as hard as I can to perform well. I want to make sure that I keep my part-time job, because it is important for me to earn enough money for my new life at school. It is also a good way to practice having a job, so that after I graduate I can get a full-time job and use the same skills to manage that position and to look to get promoted to higher positions with higher pay.

One of the hardest parts about studying abroad is about missing my family, because I have never really been away from home for a long time. It is interesting that I miss my family so much, because when I was home, I did not appreciate being around my family very much, because they often made me anxious because they are so overprotective, it is as if they care about me too much. When I was around them, a lot of the time I felt like I could not wait to leave because I didn’t really like it when they focused so much on me. Now that I am far away from my family, and I know that I am not going to see them for a long time, I realize that home is actually the best place to be. I had to go very far away from my family and my home in China to learn that lesson.

Sometimes, people don’t understand that what they have is very valuable, because it seems like it is a bother and they are often feeling angry and upset because people are making a big fuss over them. That is what happened in my family, I got tired of people worrying about me and trying to control my life, so I wanted to get away from that. I have learned that it was very helpful that I have a family that cared so much, and I now feel lucky to know that I have a set of people that always want what is good for me. Now, when I return home, I will find it very valuable to have my family around, instead of the way I used to complain about them being too involved in my life.

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