
My Values and Vision, Passions and Purpose

613 words | 3 page(s)

Core values: gender and racial equality, cultural diversity, respect, utility, a healthy work/life balance, innovation, doing good for the whole

My vision is based on the idea of the virtuous and ambitious person. Therefore, my aim is to become the one who respects all the manifestations of diversity and understands its importance. This idea refers directly to such values as gender, cultural, and racial equality. I believe that these concepts are crucial for my professional life’s mission because they are essential for successful social interaction. As long as each person has their special skills and background, it would be good to use such features at full capacity. In addition, I realize that all the aspects of my everyday performance should be well-balanced and work effectively. This refers directly to such value as the utility: the whole structure will work only if all the details are in use. The balance between work and personal life helps to recover and to avoid exhaustion. Only such a rational approach may lead to innovation and progress. Moreover, it is impossible to promote the ideas of overall importance without certain personal background. I believe that my actions will be beneficial for the whole mankind if I keep myself in a condition of healthy balance.

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I believe that true passions are those which make a person feel happy and look prosperous. Therefore, I need to learn how to align my own passions and desires with the core values mentioned above. This balance is crucial for my motivation and positive attitude to everyday tasks. I want my work to be truly satisfying, with no internal conflicts or doubts. The life is challenging – its circumstances constantly change. Still, I believe that my values are universal and appropriate in any society. For now, my biggest passion is self-improvement, both physical and mental. As long as my purpose is to attain a leadership position, it is crucial for me to get a clear understanding of who I am and how I usually perform. There is no doubt that this information will help me to establish a well-structured and professional team. The smallest interactions between the members of my team will be influenced by my ability to lead and manage. The ability to follow my passions while maintaining the core values and beliefs will allow me to meet all possible challenges without fear of being judged.

My purpose is to become a leader, the one who may influence the attitude and performance of other people. Of course, the main task of the leader is to inspire others, while discovering their achievements and strengths. To complete this task, I need to reveal all the values mentioned above. Flexibility, which is a direct consequence of respect to diversity, is also important for an implementation of new strategies and innovations. In order to create a perfect team, I should use the principles of partnership, equality, and utility, first of all. I want to be successful in doing good for the whole world, which means that my purpose is rather ambitious. Still, there are companies that already achieved most of the goals I could only dream of. These companies are Google or Amazon, for example. Their everyday activity is based on innovations and utility, which means that my values are promising and contemporary. Being a leader, I should also promote the values which help my team to develop on a personal level. The modern world is believed to be the world of equal opportunities. Still, this claim usually appears to be a hypothetical one. We believe that we deserve to be free and equal. My purpose, therefore, is to turn this idea into an undeniable truth.

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