
Service-Oriented Architecture

632 words | 3 page(s)

Overview of SOA
Before responding to the prompt or stating the importance of service-Oriented Architecture or its redundancy in the flashy mobile application, it would important to start by defining and explaining the roles of SOA. This will help find a logical way of determining the usefulness or uselessness of SOA in the application in question. Therefore, in simple terms, SOA denotes a set of services that have channels of intercommunication (Erl, 2016). The communication of services may take different forms in SOA. For example, service communication may involve simple data passages or multiple-service coordination to each other. In addition, for SOA to be effective, there needs to be services; hence, the need to define a service (Erl, 2016). A service is a well-defined, self-contained function independent of the states of other services or the context. Mostly, SOA depended on web connection to fulfill its main functions and objectives.

Service-Oriented Architecture is no news to the computing world; it has been with people for many decades now. Early forms of SOA include Object Request Brokers and DCOM. In the setting of SOA, the top most level is often designed to control more complex activities within an application (Erl, 2016). This level often deals with requests made by users to the system. The second level deals with less detailed tasks. For example, this might the verification level, where requests made in the first level are assessed and verified in the system for accuracy and other things such as compatibility (Sweeney, 2013). The third level would be task with data-access services. These services include reading and writing from the storage points, which might be databases or message queues. The setting above ensures that users are able to access and retrieve data and information they require amply without any problems given that they are using the right commands, permissions, and procedures on the system.

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Response to the Prompt
From the case given, SOA would be important to flashy mobile application in many different ways. Foremost, as it has already been explained, SOA is a collection of services that have special ways of communicating with each other within a system. In flashy mobile app, several services need to communicate with each other to allow the students access to information and enable ample data storage. Secondly, services in the mobile app are also independent of the state of other services, are well-defined, and self-centered, which vindicates the usefulness of SOA to the application. For this reason, it can be argued that SOA is an important input or part of the application and should be implemented fully to allow student access to data and ample storage as they would deem important.

One important function of SOA would be segmentation of the application. The firs level would involve the data entry stage. Here, is where students access their accounts, feed in data, and submit to the system. This is one of the most complex activities of the mobile application or flashy as indicated in the case. SOA would also help the application when it comes data verification and assessment, which can be designed and placed in the second tier of the system. Thirdly, SOA will help with processing request to data access (Sweeney, 2013). As indicated in the prompt, flashy mobile app was designed to help student store and retrieve course materials, such as lecture notes with ease. For this reason, implementing SOA will help students store the images and retrieve them at easy. Lastly, one of the most important functions of SOA is binary-exchange and web services (Sweeney, 2013). Since the application stores in information in a cloud database, SOA will be useful in accessing and fulfilling the web-binary exchange services.

  • Erl, T. (2016). Service-oriented architecture: Concepts, technology, and design
  • Sweeney, R. (2013). Achieving service-oriented architecture: Applying an enterprise architecture approach. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

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