
Architecture Essay Examples

The article promotes the space of Westway as a socially, culturally and economically advantageous city, as well as a technologically innovative destination. The author presents Britain as a technologically advanced modernist society in the mid-twentieth century based on the prevailing reports from the press at the time. The Westway was...

879 words | 3 page(s)

At present, architectural students are proficient at understanding social-spatial relationships and how they will need to be adjusted in future (Till). The limited description of the word ‘architect' means that the development and expression of this dimensional and structural intelligence are put aside in pursuit of perfecting the art of...

630 words | 3 page(s)

An interesting movement in the architectural design of larger buildings, particularly corporate buildings, is the use of living walls as part of the interior space. A living wall is essentially a vertical garden (The Free Dictionary, 2011). As the name implies, it is a wall on which a single type...

2010 words | 6 page(s)

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Question One Gehnry is a very creative architect. This is because most of his works are very special. An example of his work is the ‘Barcelona Gehnry Fish.’ His commitment was exhibited when he told his assistant that they needed to employ a very creative and special approach in designing....

461 words | 2 page(s)

The Giza Pyramids comprise the oldest and largest pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex located in Egypt. The Giza Pyramids were built to endure the test of time which they have managed to since they have been in existence for the past 4,500 years. There are different lessons on project...

658 words | 3 page(s)

Kansai international airport is located in the middle of Osaka bay, an artificial island. This airport serves as an international center for the Nippon cargo airlines, Japan Airlines and the Nippon Airways. Further, the airport serves as an attraction centre, and it has been identified as the original international low-cost...

662 words | 3 page(s)

Abstract In the construction of a bridge using Popsicle sticks, it is necessary to consider several things. These considerations include the weight of the bridge, the length, height and the materials to be used in the entire process. For this project, the objective was to construct a bridge using Popsicle...

966 words | 4 page(s)

Robert Venturi changed the face of contemporary architecture, Venturi feeling that less can be boring. As opposed to Avant-garde and Kitsch styles, Venturi's structures take a different approach, architectural systems, elements and goals juxtaposed in a unique way, so that conflicts and struggles of a project or design can be...

315 words | 2 page(s)

One may well argue that Gothic cathedrals represent the very apex of the Western European architectural/artistic ethic. They represent remarkable achievements in harmony, natural symbolism and august grace, elements that are unmatched for their ethereal beauty. Reims Cathedral, reconstructed in the 13th century, is particularly notable for numerous reasons, not...

850 words | 3 page(s)

Battery Park, a twenty-five acre stretch of land within 175 Battery Place, is most notable for its various memorials and statues, serving as testaments to past historical events of significance to the American people. A site where anyone and everyone can journey to and observe the different tributes to people...

632 words | 3 page(s)

Compare the role of the State in city planning and improvement for each of these locations: Paris, Spain and Ontario. What means or elements did Haussman, Cerdà and the City Beautiful Movement adherents use to shape the city? Haussman used politics and historical events to encourage the development of Paris....

425 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction Contemporary designers in the architectural field have the ability and the potential to learn from history. Design history in particular serves as an ideal area of study for the contemporary designer for a host of different reasons. In order to better understand the different methods by which such an...

1609 words | 6 page(s)

It is a wonderful thing to have a building like the Student Union at Idaho State University, the most important building I have dealt with thus far. Why should we visit this building at least one time each semester? My opinion is that this visit is a necessity due to...

578 words | 2 page(s)

Robart Library is the largest construction in the University of Toronto, Canada. The building is said to resemble a turkey or a peacock in shape as discussed by many analysts. However, Robarts Library has been refurbished in various instances giving the building a new texture of the twenty-first century with...

586 words | 2 page(s)

Irina Vinnitskaya, in her magazine article, “Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park / Cook + Fox Architects”, asserts that the Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park is an environmentally efficient high-rise building, which is especially beneficial for dense urban environments and thus sets a standard for...

306 words | 2 page(s)

Around the globe, there are centenaries of beautiful places. During my lifetime I visited two in particular that I found quite fantastic. They have fascinating and unique Castle’s Architecture. Also, their geography is very different from each other, but both are beautiful. I visited a Bavarian town named Füssen, which...

962 words | 4 page(s)

Wood has often been a good raw material in the construction of contemporary structures. In this case, the construction will be of a simple pavilion from which people will get to view the surrounding areas. The design will be simple but will incorporate different aspects of modern and trendy architecture....

716 words | 3 page(s)

Building codes extend back into history. They have been a method by which communities attempt to institute safety precautions for the citizens of the community. Most of the building codes in history focus on ways to protect the community, to reduce the loss of life and to reduce the loss...

707 words | 3 page(s)

Louis Sullivan designed and constructed The Wainwright Building completing its construction in 1890. In its design and construction, Sullivan set out to achieve several objectives. One was to eliminate historical ornaments from buildings. Another objective was to use new materials and techniques in construction. Still, Sullivan set to establish new...

718 words | 3 page(s)

Since originating as a trading post in the 13th century, Berlin has flourished, becoming one of the most influential cities in Germany. Today as the capital of Germany, Berlin is a vast city with a population of 3.4 million people and spans extending over 889 square kilometers. It is widely...

1183 words | 4 page(s)

In recent years, the Unites States in general has resolved to better the living conditions of its residents. There has been a consistent move to improve living standards by offering better quality houses and buildings with benefits not provided by traditional construction. In fact, today traditional housing is giving way...

2963 words | 6 page(s)

Although the Roman Empire well predates the founding of the United States, and indeed many other countries, evidence of their architecture and design of urban centers are evident in most cities in the United States; mainly because these efficient designs were instilled in the European countries that first arrived in...

314 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction The global contribution of energy efficiency toward buildings has consistently grown from 20 to 40% in developed countries and outmatched the other major sectors such as transportation and industries. Population growth, new criteria for building designs, satisfaction degree and increase in indoor activities within the building have given raise...

1141 words | 4 page(s)

Norman Foster is a famous British architect, known mostly for his innovation and eco-friendly design schemes. In the span of his career, he and his partners have completed hundreds of noteworthy projects, spanning from airports and museums, to bridges and furniture (Zukowsky, 2017). One of the most well-known projects created...

416 words | 2 page(s)

Realism has dominated the international relations way of thinking and analysis for years now. It is not until recently that it has met considerable challenges from other competing schools of thought. In most cases, nations and states tend to follow the non- idealistic and pessimistic opinions of realism when issues...

1532 words | 6 page(s)

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