
Food Ark

329 words | 2 page(s)

The world is facing a disaster in the food industry. The population of the world is increasing in a very high rate whereas food production is decreasing at the same rate. This presents a difficult situation because the food available may not be able to sustain the population in the future. The biggest challenges facing the food industry are the farming practices that are available to the modern age farmers. These Agricultural practices have predisposed the sources of food to some uncertainties that can be managed if proper practices are adopted by the farmers.

Farmers should dedicate the available resources to get the best crops to plant. According to Richardson it is very important for farmers to concentrate on local vegetables and crops. This is because most farmers are tempted to adopt crops that are believed to have high yields over a short time. Most of these crops and vegetables find it hard to thrive in climatic conditions that are harsh to them. These foreign crops may have a high yield over a short time, but in the long run have a lot of negativity in food production.

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To ensure that the world will have food protection, people should also use meat and animal produce to substitute crops and vegetables. In this regard, farmers should also be very careful so as to breed local domestic animals. This is because they easily adapt to the local climate and are resistant to any diseases that may be prevalent.

To counter the rising population food needs, the best agricultural practices are required from the farmers. Siebert (2011) outlines that in the bid to have high yields people should preserve the indigenous breeds of animals and the local crops as opposed to the exotic types. Big food and seed stores should also be created so as to ensure that there is food insurance for future generations.

  • Siebert, C. & Richardson, J. (2011). Food Ark. National Geographic. Retrieved from http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/07/food-ark/siebert-text#close-modal.

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