
Personal Model of Leadership

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According to Achua (2013), different leadership models have been developed and applied varied settings depending on situational conditions. In the healthcare industry, the same models have been applied as per their defined guidelines and behavioral requirements to manage the prevailing situational factors. Modern leadership practice, especially in the nursing profession, is using diverse approaches to improve know-how, skills, and technical requirements that prepare the leadership to changing industry variables such as changes in management styles, workplace requirements, and change management issues.

The current professional setting is challenging and in need of leaders who have the capacity to implement varied programs with high levels of success. The personal model of leadership is comprised of the need to identify areas that need change and develop the appropriate solutions to ensure they are implemented in the workplace. Every time, the healthcare industry is facing challenges ranging from its budget, capacity, to professional skills that improve the quality of care. As the leader, it is my role to come up with essential processes that ensure maximal utility and application of professional expertise to gain exceptional outcomes despite the dominant challenges.

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Another way that the personal model is applicable is selection of the appropriate expertise and enhancing its performance. Leaders are supposed to understand their followers in terms of capabilities and weaknesses to come up with ways that complement their attributes (George, 2005). Applying the model therefore examines individual capabilities, assigning tasks to people with the best skills, and then developing their performance to maximize their outcomes. This means that every worker is assigned their task of liking so that they can do what they love rather than what the workplace demands. This form of alignment is required in the nursing profession so that quality of care is given using the best expertise available.

In addition, the model has proven applicable in situations that demand significant changes. It is natural for people to resist change since they like sticking to norms within their comfort zone. However, the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry demands otherwise hence the need to have a style that inspires people to leave their norms for more effective procedures. As per the personal leadership model, it seeks to enhance morale, creation of personal sense of identity and acting as a role model to the management’s requirements and responsibilities. As such, the leaders are able to encourage their followers to take change initiatives that make their workplace better in terms of efficiency and performance.

The current healthcare environment demands innovative professional ways to serve the population healthy wellbeing. In this environment, the personal leadership is applicable to such settings by encouraging job performance among followers via collective identity and challenges to take greater ownerships of their tasks. In the professional settings, this is otherwise known as collaboration where professionals work, share, and disseminate information for articulated decision making. This is an increasing requirement in all professional settings, and the field of nursing is profoundly benefiting through faster decision making, rapid advancement of knowledge, and improved expertise through evidence-based practice whose information is shared for further application.

Finally, enhancing workplace performance, productivity, morale, and the need for change is subsequent of using various mechanisms specific to existing workplace dynamics. Sometimes to successful implement change, collective identity, and motivation in challenging workplaces, leaders are obligated to use reward and punitive systems to reinforce productive behavior while eliminating other unwanted behavioral attributes (Dunpy & Stance, 1988). This means that workers who adhere to the intended procedures and changes are encouraged through rewards such as bonuses, gifts, salary increments, or promotions. As a consequence, followers become motivated to face challenging tasks under their leader who is acting as their inspiring role model.

As compared to the other leadership models, the personal model shares some similarities and at the same time deviating from some elements specific to the frameworks. The similarities are derived from elements such as techniques for reinforcing productive behavioral patterns and the need for varying leadership styles according to situational conditions. Despite their differences, they have applicability in different professional settings hence their relevance and the need for not relying on one singular framework. For instance, the reward and motivation is an aspect from transactional leadership, and, professional development for maximized performance comes from servant leadership (Humphreys, 2005).

On the other hand, there are some points of deviation from the discussed leadership styles. The personal leadership model does not in any way compare to autocratic leadership due to its mode of application, nature of interactions, and strategic misfit into the current professional settings. Further, over-emphasis on generating trust and honesty to manage productivity and change also has counteractive outcomes where followers perceive the leader as one of their cadre. Even though different leadership models are in existence, the personal model has variations differing from them and their attributes are adopted according to working conditions, nature of relations with followers, and kind of intended outcomes.

Based on the research undertaking, it is justified to state that the dominant style is oriented to servant leadership. This is because it involves setting leadership practices that are inclusive and allows sharing of power in order to cater to other people’s needs. These needs are in terms of professional development, adoption of changes that improve patient wellbeing, and inspirational leadership so that followers are adequately motivated to maximize their performance. In the context of nursing leadership, the personal model has been characterized by persuasion, conceptualization, commitment to development of others, and construction of the society to become better via quality of service.

In summary, leadership is essential in all working environments so that followers have direction and guidance for generating the required strategic goals in their respective organizations. There are different leadership models with applicability in varied settings, creating the demand for their knowledge and efficacy in varied professional settings. Though the personal model is servant leadership, it has been discovered that variation of the frameworks is of importance especially when working in challenging, dynamic, and professionally demanding environments. Despite this fact, servant leadership has indicated its ability to cater for current nursing needs while borrowing few attributes from other models.

  • Achua, L. (2013). Effective Leadership. New York, NY: Thomson South-Western.
  • Dunpy, D., & Stance, D. (1988). Transformational and coercive strategies for planned organisational change: beyond OD model. Organisational studies, 317-334.
  • George, B. (2005). Authentic Leaders. Leadership Excellence, 3-4.
  • Humphreys, J. (2005). Contextual implications for transformational and servant leadership: A historical investigation. Management Decision, 1410-1431.

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