
Leadership Essay Examples

Much of the literature today with regard to research and analysis of the barriers that women face in reaching higher positions urges looking beyond discrimination as the sole problem to be resolved. Baker (2014) conducted a literature review of such studies, and points out that women do have the skill...

440 words | 2 page(s)

In the course of constant changes in terms of leadership and management styles, the current trends indicate a higher representation of women in the upper echelons of the leadership positions. For instance, in the Fortune 500, 4% of the CEOs of the companies are women. Despite the number is the...

600 words | 3 page(s)

In history, a significant number of women have faced leadership challenges because of male dominance in most societies. Similarly, women in the modern world experience different treatment in aspects of business, politics, and access to leadership roles. In the workplace, men occupy executive positions and only a few of them...

638 words | 3 page(s)

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Leadership is one of the most critical constructs of organizational structures in the society today. Leaders are entitled with the responsibility of giving direction and making decisions that affect the progression of an organization. There are various types of leader that exists in the world today. The most common include...

638 words | 3 page(s)

In order to improve company’s performance, the respective leadership style is to be adopted. From this perspective, it is crucial to understand who leaders are and what their roles are in terms of enforcing change and maintaining an effective functioning of a company. It is important to understand that today...

907 words | 4 page(s)

Charismatic leaders, as is true of virtually all leaders, are defined by their roles and/or ability to influence the actions of others. This is, however, a unique leadership model because it relies on the sheer attractiveness and personality of the individual. As described by Max Weber, the term “charisma” is...

995 words | 4 page(s)

Power involves both the ability to influence others as well as the ability to mobilize and use resources to achieve specified goals (Hashish, 2015). This paper presents a detailed plan for enhancing my power as a nurse and a leader–manager including building my personal power base, leadership development, empowering others,...

859 words | 3 page(s)

The purpose of this paper is to argue the poor, bad and ineffective leadership of Fire Chief Rusty Thomas. This includes highlighting one particular incident, discussing the impact of the outcome of his actions, evaluating his performance, and describing the identifiable outcomes of his leadership. Fire Chief Rusty Thomas served...

802 words | 3 page(s)

Successful leaders should be flexible as they familiarize with the enormous changes that come with the highly sophisticated market (David, et.al, 2014). As such, my mission is to recognize individual contributions as well as accomplishments of my followers. I aspire to use my charisma and self-optimization to cultivate self-worth of...

863 words | 3 page(s)

Leader can be generally defined as a person who has the ability to make others apply their skills and knowledge in the most efficient way to attain the established goals of the organization (Green, 2005). However, leaders can choose different styles to influence their team, depending on their own traits...

655 words | 3 page(s)

Covey (1992) lists four different management paradigms, which include scientific authoritarian, benevolent authoritarian, human resource, and principle-centered leadership. I prefer to manage, based on the human resource paradigm. In other words, I want to balance kindness with efficiency and talent (Covey, 1992). I realize that, beyond the fundamental physiological needs,...

649 words | 3 page(s)

In order to improve company’s performance, the respective leadership style is to be adopted. From this perspective, it is crucial to understand who leaders are and what their roles are in terms of enforcing change and maintaining an effective functioning of a company. It is important to understand that today...

951 words | 4 page(s)

Negotiation is a way through which people resolve disputes. Therefore, it is a process by which both parties in a conflict reaches an agreement or compromise while avoiding clashes and quarrels. From time to time conflicts happens in many organizations and this typically leads to poor communication leading to crumbles...

658 words | 3 page(s)

Most of you are familiar with my name and position, but we have not been able to interact together formally. I am the organizational manager, and together with the three front managers, I will be leading you towards ensuring efficient performance organizational activities and achievement of the organizational as well...

648 words | 3 page(s)

The ability to run an organization begins with the ability of the leadership team to actually lead the organization to success. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. The biggest differentiating factor between leaders is the strategy that they use to actually lead a group of people or team. However,...

1091 words | 4 page(s)

Leaders are everywhere. In our workplace, schools, organizations, and various other places leaders are present. What sets an effective leader apart from others? An effective leader is recognized by the people he or she is around. Every effective leader has traits they share with other leaders. Excellent communication skills and...

601 words | 3 page(s)

The staff at JLB enterprises is experiencing a slump in motivation that translates itself into increased costs, decreased production and an overall loss of efficiency. A change in leadership, or at least leadership strategy, can facilitate the turnaround the employees need in order to improve their performance. In terms of...

576 words | 2 page(s)

The event I’d like to reflect upon is actually a series of occasions in which I noticed a pattern. While assisting in the facilitation of youth group, I noticed most of the young women in the group tend to refrain from leading discussion or even participating much while connecting biblical...

957 words | 4 page(s)

As recorded by Thucydides, the Melian Dialogue describes the series of negotiations that might have occurred between the Athenians and the Melians, before Athens laid siege to Melos during the Peloponnesian War. The dialogue unfolds as a debate, with the Athenians claiming their military superiority justified their wish to conquer...

606 words | 3 page(s)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze, compare, and synthesize themes from three articles examining personality traits associated with effective leadership. The articles include “Fearless Dominance and the U.S. Presidency” (2012) in which Lilienfeld et al. argue that certain facets of psychopathy are desirable in a leader, “Leadership styles...

1045 words | 4 page(s)

Constructive disagreement is preferred over destructive disagreement. Since disagreement amongst working professional is inevitable, it is appropriate to develop techniques to turn unavoidable disagreements into opportunities for progress. I agree with the post that there must be trust established amongst leaders in order to have constructive disagreements. Without trust, there...

322 words | 2 page(s)

Who is the leader/organization? What is the background? Historically, what influences could have shaped this person/organization’s culture? Elon Reeves Musk, the South African-born American entrepreneur attained global recognition when he founded X.Com which was later renamed PayPal. He has become one of the most exciting innovators and prominent people in...

859 words | 3 page(s)

Nursing informatics has developed for the last 25 years into a famous field in nursing and a vital part to the healthcare system (Shuler, 2011). Nurses use technology in their daily work to collect data, and use health information technology systems to record patient data. The use of health information...

568 words | 2 page(s)

The five sources of power available to managers are diverse, and range from legitimate or, in other words, positional power, which is the fruit of the position taken by a person in an organization, to expert power, which can also be seen as the power of authority, the power, which...

326 words | 2 page(s)

Critical Success Factors One of the major reasons Apple thrived under Steve Jobs’ leadership was that Apple only focused on products and services in which it could really excel at. Steve Jobs understood Apple’s core competencies and focused upon them to differentiate Apple from the competition. Another reason for Apple’s...

937 words | 4 page(s)

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