
Lab Report: Density Of Water

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To determine the density of water

As per the manual provided: a) A volume of 1mL of water was collected using a beaker; b) the experimenter measured the initial mass of the beaker and mass after 1mL of water was added; c) to calculate the mass of 1mL of water, the difference between the two values calculated in b) was calculated; d) this was used to calculate the density of water using the formula.

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Observation number Mass / g Volume / mL
1 1.1 1
2 1.0 1
3 1.2 1


The density of water was found to be 1.1g/mL.


Report Sheet

A1 AgCl Ag2CO3 Ag2SO4 AgCl No precipitate
A2 No precipitate No precipitate Mg(OH)2 No precipitate No precipitate
A3 No precipitate No precipitate No precipitate No precipitate No precipitate
Sample no 3  
Compound Ag2CO3  

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