
My University Studies Reflection

405 words | 2 page(s)

As I reflect upon my first semester, I face multiple impressions arising from a wide variety of experiences. The reflection becomes even more complex as I realize how each experience translated to others. On a basic level, for instance, all my ideas regarding what university learning would be like were both confirmed and challenged. I have discovered that it is one thing to anticipate the need for greater effort, and another to actually be in the experience and provide that effort. More importantly, I found that there was little room for passive education in this environment, of the kind that usually marks earlier learning. Once in the university studies, it became clear that I was expected to contribute as much as I was obligated to take in information, and the process was something of a surprise. At the same time, however, and going to the ways the experiences have affected one another, I came to see more clearly what I myself was capable of, even as those capabilities expanded with the greater demands. The process is also continually evolving, and I see too that my interest levels in studies are not necessarily as I imagined them. Some have increased, others have lessened, and already I perceive how learning is as much of what we discover about ourselves as it is about what we take in.

Connected to this is how the social side of university life is both what I expected and strangely different. My experience in regard to my fellow students is such that I feel I can see all of us developing almost visibly. As I myself am changing in small ways through the course of the entire experience, I believe I witness the same thing occurring to others. My anxieties are not unique, and I am drawn to others because, even when their expressions of their fears are different than mine, I can understand them. It is strange, but I feel connected to even those students with whom I do not socialize; we are all very much adjusting to a new world, and in ways naturally similar. This, combined with the effects of the actual study, brings me to a final reflection that the university experience as a whole, at least thus far, is so inherently complex and evolving that the best I can do is do my best, and await the outcome of who I will be when it is done.

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