
How Do You Envision Yourself As A Nurse In Today’s Healthcare System?

343 words | 2 page(s)

When I picture myself working in the healthcare system as it is today in this country, I envision a person who will be working with diligence, and endeavoring to do the very best job that they can under circumstances that are often extremely challenging. I am looking forward to putting patient care at the forefront of my nursing practice, and helping my patients experience a high degree of satisfaction with their medical care. Nursing today involves working with data when it comes to decision making, so I am expecting that I will be using technology a great deal. As a nurse in today’s healthcare system, I expect that I will be a lifelong learner, undertaking professional development to enhance my nursing skills.

I realize that there will be many challenges ahead for me, and that my chosen profession can be very stressful. I know that there will be days when I feel stretched, due to having too many patients and not enough resources. I am concerned about this country’s current healthcare crisis, that so many people lack basic health insurance and have to wait for medical care. I expect that this will be a frustrating part of my job, wanting to help as many patients as I can yet know that people will probably be left waiting. Statistics show that patient safety in U.S. hospitals is on the rise, and I am excited to be a part of this. Our health care system is one that has been fraught with flaws in the past, so I hope to see continual improvements as my career advances. I also hope that staff satisfaction amongst nurses continues to improve, as I’m aware that at this point in time nursing dissatisfaction and high staff turnover are issues that currently affect our healthcare system.

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My own health will be crucial to my success as a nurse, and I will make every effort to preserve my own health so that I do not succumb to burnout, which unfortunately affects many people in my chosen industry.

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