
Field internship log entries on “School Coomittees”

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This school is managed on moral and ethical grounds steers the effective delivery of both knowledge and other services to the children. Based on the main aim of building complete children, the school has established various committees meant drive every objective of the school to success. The committees established and the entire school management has first of all made a recognition that the school is made up of the able and needy students. Apart from this our committees are also concerned with positive or ethical student’s behaviors. This has resulted to the founding of a committee to deal with that specific area. The operations or roles of these committees do not rely on the harsh or punishment strategies towards the students, but motivational strategies to bring out the best from the children. The committees of the school include:

• Positive Behavior support in schools (PBSIS)
• Parents Teachers Association (PTA)
• Data Analysis Team
• Safety Committee
• School Improvement Plan

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All our committees are constituted on merit basis thus giving the much trust on the ability and delivery levels of the members. All the committees work towards the achievement of the overall objective of the school. The foremost objective of the institution is building morally upright and complete children. To attain this, the committees developed a plan towards this. The action plan involved the following:

• Closely monitoring the children to establish the level of discipline or good behavior. This was done by the Positive Behavior support in schools committee.
• Attaining the data of the needy children within the school. This was the wok of the Data analysis team.
• Attaining the extent of lack by the needy children
• Accessing the facilities or equipment of the school done by the Safety Committee.
• Identify points or areas within the school which require improvement. This was delivered by the School Improvement Plan Committee.

After the availability of the needed information, the committees settled on a fund raising to help buy incentives for children pointed out as doing good and needy children within the school set up. The funds raising also focused on helping the needy children with their college school fees. From the aims the funds raising, it is clear that the roles played by various committees formed major decision pillars.

The first activity after the well set action plan was raising funds for buying incentives for children pointed out to be doing well in various sections. This one of the most challenges areas. However, the PTA played a major role in convincing the parents to be part of the activity. To draw positives from the activity, parents and the invited guest were provided by list of positive academic records as away of recognizing the need to motivate the children to do better other areas. The list did end with academics; it also covered discipline records of the school and explaining to the parents the students and teachers behind the good record and the need to motivate the for complete development. From the information presented to the parents and guest, a good number were convinced on the need to motivate children for the school to attain more success.

As stated before the school maintains its policy or principle of complete development of children. It is on this basis that my committees agreed to raise funds to help the needy students pay their college school fees. To ensure the access of this activity the Data analysis presented the guest and parents with key information on the following:

• The number of needy and performing children
• The number of needy who have performed well in the previous but failed to proceed with college education
• The plan laid by school to such children in future

The data present by the team made a lot sense to the parents, and guest compelling them to contribute positively to steer the needy students to greater heights. The success of the set activities relied on the collective efforts of the committees and the competent membership.

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