
Leader as a Manager of Emotional Intelligence

350 words | 2 page(s)

What is emotional intelligence and why is it important in leadership?

Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to control and positively express their feelings as well as to receive, interpret, and respond to the emotions of other people. Emotional intelligence is crucial for leaders because it determines the sort of relationships they have with their followers. It also heavily influences how the business is developing, because leaders’ emotional intelligence is the background for the team’s positive visions and willingness to achieve more (Cutler, 2014). For example, in charismatic and transactional approaches to leadership, emotional aspects along with values and beliefs are thought to be at the core of the leadership process (Storey, 2016).

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As a leader, how might emotions need to be managed for optimum success?
Leaders must be capable of managing their emotions. This includes various aspects such as controlling one’s temper, being able to see how leaders’ actions can make other people feel, being able to communicate emotions to others in the team in an appropriate way, so that everyone feel that they are treated fairly. Some behaviors that help manage emotions for optimal success are leaders’ self-regulation, confidence, self-awareness, empathy, consciousness, motivation, and applying social skills. If to use Goleman’s approach to emotional intelligence (in Cutler, 2014), the following four tools of managing one’s emotions can be distinguished: self-awareness, self-expression and management, social awareness and relationship management.

Discuss the values or benefits to leaders capable of managing Emotional Intelligence.
Leaders with greater emotional awareness are capable of self-monitoring their behavior, leading their teams in an objective manner, question personal theories, and examine personality issues. Moreover, self-management can help leaders manage stress and take action in uncertain situations. Social awareness will help them recognize other people’s distress. Relationship management will help leaders address other people’s emotions through negotiation (Cutler, 2014; Wu, 2013).

  • Cutler, A. (2014). Leadership psychology: How the BEST leaders inspire their people. London: GBR Kogan Page Publishing.
  • Storey, J. (2011). Leadership in organizations : Current issues and key trends. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Wu, B. (2013). New theory on leadership management science. Oxford, GBR: Biohealthcare

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