
Positive Health: Psycho-Spiritual in Health Education

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Child abuse refers to the physical, sexual and emotional mistreatment of children. In the current world, the rate at which children face mistreatment is on the rise hence affecting children development. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) in America monitors any action or aspects undertaken by the guardian or parent on a child that may result into harm and life threatening (Peterson & Seligman 123). In the proposed program, there exist diverse negative behaviors that contribute to the abuse of children in the society. One of the most negative behaviors that exist among parents and guardians is the negligence of children. Using the “Path with Heart and Path with Shadows in the case of child abuse”, identifying how the abused child was affected in the mind. The child will undergo these steps to identify his

• The child will be told a sad and scary story
• The story will be a thriller and make the child have fears about his abilities
After this test, the abused child will undergo through motivation therapy to help him overcome the path of shadows. These are the motivations steps.
• The abused child is encouraged to live an active and exciting life
• This will stimulate the child senses and bring out energy and strength together with healing to the child
• The child is also encouraged to do childlike activities such as playing, going for adventures, have fun, ask questions to learn, and to have energy full with optimism.

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These steps will help the abused child to gain wisdom to overcome and bypass the shadow presented to him. This because the motivation will have a positive effect on the abused child’s heart and spirit.

The story
“Fear factor”
Long ago, there was a huge gigantic ogre living at the top of the hill in a remote village in China known as Pang. He used to tend to his farm in the evening, which had assorted fruits and grapes growing in it. Many naughty children around the village could steal Pang’s fruits at day time since it was safe during the day. Xing was very cheeky and naughty and was the leader of the children’s park in his village. He was in the forefront in all mischievous acts in the village, which made his parents angry. One day, he and other children in the village invaded Pang’s farm to steal his juicy fruits. They were fond of this habit and had succeeded in stealing without being caught. However, on this day, Pang descended down from his house to fetch some water since he was thirsty. As Xing and his friends were enjoying the fruits, they found they found themselves inside a bag. They only realized that they were under Pang’s mercy when they found themselves in a room full of broken bones. Their only redemption was for their parents to give the huge ogre five goats for each child. This truly scared them and avoided Pang’s farm.

Benefits of the program
It is important for children to have mind-boggling activities that drives them towards wisdom (which is the mind), and from this the abused child will start to gain the (Qs). This will help the child to acquire a new identity, become confident, and have self-esteem. The child will also have mastery, which also known as the path of the heart.

  • Lunenburg, F. (2011). Instructional Planning and Implementation: Curriculum Goals and Instructional Objectives. Schooling, 2(1), 1-4.
  • Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford University Press and Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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