
Water’s Availability

355 words | 2 page(s)

The very existence of humans depends on the sufficient availability of water on Earth. In fact, any living organism largely consists of water and the exact differences between cells depend only on a handful other chemicals. Therefore, water conservation in the view of climate change processes on our planet has become a key concern for environmentalists and everyone concerned with sustainability.

Despite the fact that 71 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water, the share of freshwater resources in this ratio is much more limited. To be precise, only 2.5 percent of all water available on Earth is fresh. It is important to understand that the largest share of the entire freshwater resources consists of glaciers and snowfields, which leaves only 1 percent of all fresh water easily accessible to humans. If compared with the total water resource, this accessible share of fresh water amounts only to 0.007 percent. Finally, it is necessary to understand that water is not distributed equally in the world. While some localities have easy access to vast resources, large regions suffer from extreme water shortages that threaten health and lives of humans. (National Geographic, 2017)

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In the view of the undeniable importance of water for our ecosystem and human life, the conservation of this precious resource must become the priority for the international community governments, society, households, and research institutions. For example, agriculture, as one of the largest water consumers, needs to adopt technologies with high-level of water utilization efficiency, including subsurface irrigation methods. Likewise, households can contribute to water conservation by installing low-flow showerheads and low-flush toilets. On the level of government and international cooperation, much effort still needs to be devoted to desalinization of seawater. As shown by successful examples of freshwater production through desalinization in the Persian Gulf nations, it is both an effective and cost-efficient technology.

All things considered, the humankind needs to develop strategies, technologies and new models of water use in order to survive and succeed in the fast changing world.

  • National Geographic “Clean Water Crisis, Water Crisis Facts, Water Crisis Resources – National Geographic”. Nationalgeographic.Com, 2017

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