
Water in Moreno Valley

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All water in Moreno Valley, Riverside County in California comes from ground water sources that are pumped from local area wells (Blue Riverside, 2013). Contrary to the impression that groundwater is water from huge underground lakes and rivers, groundwater is actually the water that occupies the cracks and pores in the rocks and soil. The source of groundwater in Moreno Valley can either be artificially and naturally recharged. Artificial recharge involves the use of spreading basins, water ponds, as well as injection wells. Natural recharge, which is most common, occurs when water from the rain seeps directly into the rocks and soil. Groundwater basins are majorly defined by their geologic structures such as earthquake faults; or, by administrative boundaries based on the water quality and content.

We all need water so that our bodies can function properly. In Moreno Valley, a huge percentage of drinking water comes from groundwater. Groundwater may pick up contamination from underground septic tanks, fertilizers, naturally occurring minerals, mine drainage, metals such as chromium, as well as industrial chemicals. This is why raw groundwater is not safe for drinking. Water suppliers in Moreno Valley have treatment systems to control nearly all harmful properties found in groundwater. These harmful properties may include hardness, color, taste, acidity and/or alkalinity, odor, turbidity, and other harmful organic properties. To add to that, Moreno Valley has laboratories to test the groundwater. In many systems, fluoride is added to reduce tooth decay. The treatment of groundwater varies from well to well within the city dispending on the contaminants present in the water. The water may be chlorinated if there is concern of parasitic and bacterial infections.

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Moreno Valley is the second largest city by population in the Riverside County. It is more of a residential area than an industrial area. It also has a semi-arid climate and this is definitely not good for agriculture. Therefore, serving a population of about 193,365, public use is the biggest consumer of water in the city. It is sad to say, that even with the water problems in Moreno Valley, and the Californian State as a whole, water is wasted on a daily basis. Some of the causes of water wastage in the city include use of excessive water in unrepaired leaks as well as defective irrigation water systems. The price of water rates has over the last 20 years increased steadily. Last year, due to drought in the most parts of California, water rates increased by 40% (Woody, 2015). At this rate by 2020, a unit of water that costs $4.36 today will be going at $6. Water consumers in Moreno Valley also have to pay for meter fees which increase water costs. On the brighter side, these high water rates may just encourage water conservation and reuse in the city. This is because residents will understand the importance of water as a resource in their day-to-day lives.

According to Scott Weber (2009), the whole Riverside County was ranked second being the most contaminated tap water. This data was complied via public records from the State agencies across the country. Moreno Valley, being the most populated city in Riverside County, faces the worst contamination. It was recorded that there were 19 chemicals found in the groundwater that were way above the health guidelines (Weber, 2009). These chemicals included various pesticides, nitrate from fertilizers, uranium, and traces of arsenic. Groundwater contamination has been a great problem in Moreno Valley; however, with groundwater remediation, this problem has been controlled. Groundwater remediation involves treating contaminated groundwater by removing contaminants and pollutants and/or converting them into harmless substances and; hence, making them safe for domestic use.

  • Blue Riverside. (2013). Where does our water come from?. Retrieved from http://www.riversideca.gov/utilities/water-faqs.asp
  • Weber, S. (2009). Riverside tap water rated 2nd worst in nation. NBC News. Retrieved from http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Riverside-Tap-Water-Rated-2nd-Worst-in-Nation-79260622.html
  • Woody, T. (2015). The Billions of Gallons of Water Wasted by Accident Every Year. Take Part. Retrieved from http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/05/05/huge-amount-water-california-wasting-every-year

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