
Food & Nutrition

352 words | 2 page(s)

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is an international organization that is dedicated to combating malnutrition around the world. This group employs a variety of strategies to provide food and nutrition to people in developing countries. They offer financial and technical support for food delivery, and they develop partnerships between public and private institutions to facilitate the implementation of a variety of programs aimed at offering better food and nutrition for those in developing countries (GAIN, 2017).

One specific way that GAIN is working to enhance the availability of nutrition for people in developing countries is through food fortification. The goal is to provide staple foods that have been fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. To do so, GAIN provides the capital and technical support needed to build the food processors needed to produce the necessary supply, as well as monitoring and assessment systems to ensure safety and quality. Also, they set up partnerships with other organizations, such as the GAIN-UNICEF Universal Salt Iodization Partnership, a program aimed at reducing iodine deficiency in 14 developing countries (GAIN, 2017).

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Another way that GAIN is working to improve food and nutrition for people in developing countries is by supporting local agriculture. To do so, the group invests in small- and medium-scale business enterprises in low-income areas in order to help them make nutritious food more accessible and affordable for the community. Also, in order to improve nutritional opportunities for food producers themselves, GAIN offers incentives to other companies in the global supply chain for cash crops in order to encourage them to invest in programs that improve the nutritional status of the farmers that they rely on (GAIN, 2017).

GAIN also engages in nutrition improvement efforts focusing specifically on women and young children. For instance, GAIN has provided the technical and financial support for the distribution of micronutrient powders, which offer essential micronutrients to women and young children. They have also helped build the infrastructure needed for home fortification. At the same time, GAIN also financially supports educational programs for women in order to increase their awareness of a variety of health issues, including proper nutrition (GAIN, 2017).

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