
Nursing Informatics and Foundation of Knowledge

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The field of nursing informatics offers a number of opportunities to share and communicate data effectively and efficiently. This reflects the importance of shaping an environment that is based upon the discovery of knowledge that is generated once a research question has been identified. Within the practice setting, it is important to determine if nursing informatics may play an important role in determining the impact of pre-appointment phone calls on whether or not patients show up to their appointments as scheduled. Pre-appointment calling is a complex issue that involves many key variables and which influences the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in different ways. Within this context, there must be a greater emphasis on understanding the data that is associated with pre-appointment calling, including whether or not it is related to an improvement by patients in keeping their appointments. In addition, developing information regarding this practice, imparting knowledge to others, and addressing wisdom are critical in the development of an effective pre-appointment program where greater efficiency is achieved and patients keep their appointments as scheduled.

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Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
Obtaining data regarding the significance of medication administration is an important component of understanding the degree of success of this process and if it is likely to continue to be impactful for healthcare operations over the long term. Most importantly, the identification of data and information from existing databases is an important step towards understanding the effectiveness of this method and whether or not it has a lasting impact on outcomes and the overall ability to improve patient health and wellbeing. In addition, the impact of this process on the number of no-shows who fail to make their appointments is significant and requires further analysis. In order to determine whether or not this type of system is likely to be effective, it is important to identify prior articles and information that address this concept in greater detail and which influence whether patients are likely to meet their appointments more frequently as a by-product of these phone calls. An examination of databases to extract articles and information regarding this topic is necessary, and this may include CINAHL, PubMed, and searches using Google Scholar. This requires the use of specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to the topic, including but not limited to “pre-appointment calls,” “reminder systems,” “missed appointments,” among others in order to capture this information effectively. It is likely that these sources will lead to information regarding the importance of appointment reminder systems and/or phone calls that may or may not be the difference maker in determining how to overcome the challenges that are associated with appointment no-shows.

The use of information regarding pre-appointment calls and reminder systems is relevant and must be organized in a manner that will provide clear and concise results regarding these objectives so that researchers are able to recognize behavioral patterns that impact these practices, including the use of a reminder system to ensure that patients meet their appointments to improve their health (Liu, Abba, Alejandra, Sinclair, Balanag, & Lansang, 2014). There are a number of interventions that may be instrumental in this process, including the interventions that are necessary to ensure that appointments are met to achieve optimal health (Schauman, Aschan, Arias, Beards, & Clement, 2013). This reflects the importance of tools that have been proven with prior evidence regarding how to improve attendance at appointments that have been made with the intent to address health concerns that must be taken seriously and evaluated as a priority for a given patient (Farias, Klug, Tschiedel, Gerchman, & Punales, 2015). This is an important step towards understanding the challenges associated with promoting an efficient and effective system to keep appointments that are made and to be mindful of the issues that may evolve relative to developing a strategy to improve cooperation between patients and their healthcare providers. This is an important step in developing an organized system that patients will take seriously and which will enable them to obtain the healthcare services that they need in a manner that is likely to have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.

Organizing a system to establish pre-appointment calls and to measure their effectiveness is important because it enables providers to determine if this task reduces the number of no-shows that occur. Therefore, using prior wisdom and knowledge of what has already taken place is critical in this regard and enables providers to measure whether or not these phone calls are impactful for patients in any way. At the same time, it ensures that patients are able to be effective in meeting their responsibilities and that they will benefit from the services that they receive in the healthcare setting. There must be a greater emphasis on understanding the nature of these tools and how to best use them in a manner that will lead to the best possible results to not only improve patient quality of care, but also to improve patient wellbeing.

The use of pre-appointment reminders for patients may lead to mixed results, but it requires an understanding of this process and whether or not it is likely to be effective in its use for patients over the long term. From this perspective, it is necessary to identify an approach that will have lasting benefits for patients and which will also improve operations for a healthcare organization in different ways. This reflects a need to explore prior data and information regarding this process through the use of databases and specific keywords/phrases in prior literature and how to overcome the obstacles that exist relative to expanding knowledge and resources to determine if pre-appointment phone calls are the most feasible option to reduce no-shows over time.

  • Farias, M., Klug, D., Tschiedel, B., Gerchman, M., & Puñales, M. (2015). Short message service phone reminder as an important tool to reduce absenteeism for atendance at healthcare
    appointments. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 7(1), 1.
  • Liu, Q., Abba, K., Alejandria, M. M., Sinclair, D., Balanag, V. M., & Lansang, M. A. D. (2014). Reminder systems to improve patient adherence to tuberculosis clinic appointments for
    diagnosis and treatment. The Cochrane Library.
  • Schauman, O., Aschan, L. E., Arias, N., Beards, S., & Clement, S. (2013). Interventions to
    increase initial appointment attendance in mental health services: A systematic review. Psychiatric Services, 64(12), 1249-1258.

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