
Helping Others Essay

477 words | 2 page(s)

It happened three years ago. One summer evening, as usual, I was returning home from my friend’s place listening to music and thinking of my plans for the next day. As a rule, in such situations, I am entirely turned in upon myself and do not pay much attention to what is happening around. However, that day, not far from my house, I noticed a small boy whose behavior seemed to be a little bit strange to me: his face flushed, his eyes were wet, and he was as if looking for someone.

I had already seen this boy before: he and his parents had moved to our street not long before, and, in fact, we were neighbors; So, I decided to come up to the boy and to ask him if he needed help. First, he looked somewhat scared and did not want to talk to me saying that everything was fine. Later, nevertheless, he told me that while playing with his friends, he had lost his keys somewhere and had not managed to find them. Moreover, the battery of his smartphone was too low to call anyone. As a result, he could not get back to his house and had to wait till late evening until one of his parents returns home from work.

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Luckily, the boy remembered his mother’s phone number, and I gave him my smartphone to call her. She was surprised and worried to hear the story and promised to come home as soon as possible. Since it was getting darker, I could not leave the boy alone in the street, so, we were waiting for his mother together talking about different things, such as music, video games, and cinema. The boy I considered to be just a small, scared child first, turned out to be a very interesting interlocutor with a wide range of hobbies and a spacious mind! His mother arrived in about an hour, but, actually, I did not notice that so much time had passed. She thanked me for a helping hand I gave her son and took the boy home.

Though for many people, this story may seem to be too trivial and ordinary, it has really taught me much. First, it has shown me that it is always important to have an eye for people around, since some of them may need help at any moment. Second, one should not be afraid of talking to people and asking them if they are in trouble and need some assistance. Third, one can never know where and when they meet people who can completely change their worldview and teach them something. Every time a person helps someone or receives some help in return, they make a step towards the understanding of who they are and what they should do to make the world around them better.

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