
What Does Deja Vu Mean?

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Déjá vu is phenomena involving the same moment and the same activity with the same individuals that occurred at a time before the present. The feeling of having the same moment occur twice is distinctive and not in reference to meeting the same friends at the same mall location every Friday at the same time to discuss the exact same topics. The feeling is descriptive of having had the experience in a paranormal sense, perhaps either in a past life or in a dream sequence. The phenomena that is déjá vu is very powerful and does have a presence and place in our reality.

Throughout history, the activity of what déjá vu is has been described as ‘already seen’ with regard to specific events. The ‘already seen’ aspect of what is déjá vu defines the activity of having already seen or experienced a particular event or sequence of events over a number of moments that directly correlate to a previous event of unknown occurrence. The realization of the phenomena of déjá vu is a real-time occurrence that is distinctive as the phenomena occurs. The moment of recognition of déjá vu is the acknowledgement of the phenomena as the time of occurrence is the exact time the moment occurs.

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Renditions of déjá vu are included in acts of famous Shakespearian plays. Déjá vu is most likely the result of a precognition of future events using the interface of premonition. The question of an individual tapping into subconscious thought processes in a sleep state to preconceive future events is the most complete explanation of déjá vu from a psychological perspective. There is validity to the déjá vu argument that is sound given the wide range of reports and the literature written on the topic with descriptions that appear universal and are accepted universally.

The beauty of déjá vu is the moment of experiencing the phenomena and the indescribable feeling of acknowledging what just occurred indeed is déjá vu. The idea of beauty is subjective to the more objective thing of beauty. Physical beauty and the intrinsic beauty derived from dé já vu are two different forms of beauty. One is seemingly not any more pure than the other form of beauty however experiencing dé já vu is a rarer form of beauty that is a thing of beauty. Physical beauty and the idea of beauty are two concepts that share identical characteristics that affirm acceptance in approval of beauty in physical form or displayed by personality traits.

Such phenomena take place generally during conversations when speaking to an individual while saying a specific few words. One is immediately reminded of having said those words before at the same exact time of day, at the same location, and to the same individual(s) present. Additional variations of dé já vu include preconceiving a television episode to know which episode is coming up and when engaging in conversation, knowing what another person will say before they say it. The experience is rather unbelievable given the linear time and space curvature that people are physically bound.

Unless one breaches the time and space curve, the physical boundaries remain. Déjá vu appears not to be bound to normal space-time and therefore the space curve and essentially either advances to the future, or allows an individual to travel back to confirm a present notion of knowing having said or done the same exact thing already at the time the it’s being done by you right now. The cognitive experience allows a recollection of precognitive memories that remain in question of origin. The likelihood the individual had the same exact experience before in their lifetime is highly unlikely. The precognitive function of déjá vu allows the aspect of conceiving an experience in the past while living the experience currently in the present.

The feeling one has during déjá vu is notable. A feeling is overwhelming once the phenomena are realized. One does stop in your tracks, so to speak, and stepping beside yourself to acknowledge there is an eerie phenomena occurring is my description of the experience. The experience itself is what triggers one to know they are experiencing déjá vu. The recognition of having had the experience before is automatic given the situation arising in real time. If one is experiencing déjá vu there is no mistaking the experience.

Whether one is meant to have the experience is of question as well. If one does not experience and have never experienced déjá vu or thinks they’ve had it but didn’t recognize it, may still have the phenomena happen at any time, and will know of déjá vu when the phenomena happens. The trigger generally is the interaction with the environment as the event that triggers the response to the notion of déjá vu and the acknowledgement of the phenomena. Therefore, discussion and talking about a specific topic are often characteristic of the phenomena. An important discussion and perhaps the telling or explaining of critical detail often is characteristic of accompanying the phenomena.

The feeling of having been at a place and in a situation the exact situation before is also a common form of déjá vu. Not verbally saying anything but physically feeling that your presence with the same people at the same time at the same place as having happened before is similar to the more common verbal phenomena. The argument of such phenomena being indicative of past lives remains debatable. The sensation of déjá vu similar to recollection appears to be from an area of the body that is not directly associated to cognitive memory. Recollection almost seems intrinsic, as if the memory is part of the individual.

Experiencing beautiful things is different from having experienced the idea of beauty which can be expressed in the form of déjá vu. Experiencing déjá vu is an idea of beauty that is specific to the individual rather a form of physical beauty as the beautiful thing. Déjá vu explains that beauty is a descriptive word that may apply to personal satisfaction or in personal acknowledgement of phenomena that draws skepticism as being of fact. A physical beauty may change over time and no longer be of physical beauty. Déjá vu as a beautiful idea will always be beautiful as experienced given the infrequency of the event and given the unchanging response in acknowledgement of the event. Beauty is seen as a physical description more so than a description of intrinsic human characteristics such as kindness and humor, the idea of beauty is often associated with physical beauty as physical traits instead of the intrinsic qualities of beauty.

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