
Seven Years War

383 words | 2 page(s)

Also known as the French and Indian War, the Seven Years War lasted from 1756 until 1763. Ultimately the British ousted the French from North American and proclaimed their dominance in the New World, but the price of this victory came with a very high tag. Also, it should be noted the French and English had been battling with each other in this arena long before the war officially began in 1756. Although the British gained a stranglehold on power over the colonies in North America, they were left nearly bankrupt with the financial burdens placed on them and this directly led to the American Revolution as the nation attempted to refill their coffers by taxing the colonies. This was the one of the foremost causes of the uprising in North America. (Tax Analysts, Web)

Prior to the Stamp Act of 1765, the British had passed legislation that placed much tighter constraints on trade and that derived tax funds from certain products, but the Stamp Act involved a direct tax. The colonists felt this was extremely unfair to them and based on how they had been previously governed, in order for such legislation to be passed, they should be accorded representation in the House of Commons. In fact, Benjamin Franklin said as much to the English government shortly after the Stamp Act came into being. (Tax Analysts, Web)

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The English, however, felt the colonies were had no place in their system of government and did not deserve this right. Steeped within their own issues and viewpoints, they did not realize the effect this legislation would have on the American colonies and unfortunately it was the catalyst for the impending revolution. Colonists far and wide rallied about this cause as a main reason to remove British control, eventually moving towards their own independence. England did not understand the fervor and continued to institute acts to bring the colonies to heel. In the end, the colonies gained their independence and the aid from the French during this struggle was in part due to rancor carried over from the Seven Years War. Overall, this conflict set the stage for the colonists revolting against British rule and for the French joining on their side. The implications and consequences were vast and played a major role in world history. (Tax Analysts, Web)

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