
Language Importance Essay

300 words | 2 page(s)

Languages play an important role in our lives. More than just being ways that we speak, they are ways that we spread our ideas to one another. Languages are not just modes of communication, though. In addition to that, they are emblematic of our cultural preferences. Languages do not just develop randomly. Rather, the development of languages happens because different cultures place different levels of importance on various things. For instance, in some cultures, where we are very explicit in how we communicate with one another, we need more words and more concepts to describe similar things. In other cultures, where we are not as direct, it is possible for language to be less precise.

Languages can help us describe the places where we live. In many cultures, languages have developed in order to give people the ability to communicate where to go, how to go, and when to go. While we do not often think about it in our modern, safe culture, language developed in many cases to give people an opportunity to help other people avoid trouble. This is still true in many remote cultures, where they use language in order to communicate important dangers that might be out there.

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It is also true that languages do not just stay stagnant over time. Rather, languages develop tremendously over time. In that way, they are like a reflection of us and our own societies. As we change, and as our needs change, we tend to alter language to go along with that. In this way, language serves a critically important purpose. It serves as a marker for the evolution that we make over time. We can look at our languages now, compared to what they used to include, and see the movement forward that we have made in society.

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