
Apple, Inc. Case Study Strategic Management

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Apple, Inc. is the global leader in producing innovative and creative technological solution in the areas of computer software and consumer electronics. Since its foundation by Steve Jobs and the associates, the company has offered revolutionary services and products to the U.S. and international markets of consumer electronics. Having started by introducing a new approach to personal computer (PC) goods, the company has gradually extended its portfolio to include plenty of non-PC products (Gupta and Prinzinger 215). Each product line – Mac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad – has been a success, which provided Apple, Inc. with a competitive position in each market it ventured.

Apple, Inc. has been an agent of change in the consumer electronics’ industry by introducing fundamentally new ways of the technology use and business-making. The marketing strategy of the company is distinct from traditional approaches to brand building and product positioning. All Apple products are expensive and limited in design options. The company does not typically invest in announcing future products. When a new product is introduced, it immediately replaces an old one without any updates. This marketing strategy allows Apple, Inc. to maintain the consumer interest and attention to the company performance, news, and output.

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While contributing to the company’s competitive advantage and continuous economic growth, it has some drawbacks that need consideration, especially in the context of the growing competition within the smartphone sector (Gupta and Prinzinger 215). The marketing efforts of Apple, Inc. concentrate on advertising flagship products while ignoring the coverage of supportive equipment, such as iPad mini or AirPort router. This gap in the company marketing management leads to consumer uncertainty, unawareness, and dissatisfaction, as they have no idea about whether these are new generations of these products or the company continues this line of products (Ritchie). According to the business communication principles, the regular and effective interaction of a service or product provider with consumers is crucial for identifying the needs of the market. Apple, Inc. has used to dictate what the consumer market needs by launching its innovative and creative products, which has been a part of its revolutionary marketing strategy. However, the lack or poor communication with consumers poses a risk for the company’s sustainable growth and development in the dynamic and ever-changing market of consumer electronics.

Human communication is defined as a process of the sharing and exchange of one’s lived experiences and the experiences of others through the means of verbal and non-verbal messages (Quintanilla and Wahl 11). Communication is a two-way process that embraces speaking or message delivery and listening or message receipt. When applied to the marketing strategy of Apple, Inc., the concept of communication appears partially fulfilled in the company’s interaction with clients. While being clear in articulating the company’s vision and messages to the consumer market, Apple, Inc. lags in listening and considering all client needs. Listening is a critical determinant of business success as it shapes the stakeholder satisfaction with the relationship and thus, may predict the purchasing power of a product (Quintanilla and Wahl 12).

For instance, Nestle prioritizes communication with consumers and utilizes all possible opportunities for keeping them updated and abreast of trends and changes in the corporate product lines. In this respect, Nestle is an active user of social media networks and channels to stay in touch with the existing and potential consumers (Nestle 1). To the client’s awareness of non-headline products, Apple, Inc. should revise and adjust its marketing management strategy to increase its presence and communication with clients via online channels. Effective consumer communication is critical for the company’s marketing management to allow the accurate assessment of the product positioning and distribution.

  • Gupta, Atul, and Joe Prinzinger. “Apple, Inc.: Where Is It Going from Here?” Journal of Business Case Studies, vol. 9, no, 3, 2013, pp. 215-220.
  • Nestle Principles Mandatory. Nestle Consumer Communication Principles. Marketing and Consumer Communication Public Affairs, 2011.
  • Ritchie, Rene. “Biggest Problems Facing Apple in 2018.” iMore, 28 Dec. 2017, https://www.imore.com/biggest-problems-facing-apple-2018. Accessed 13 November 2018.
  • Quintanilla, Kelly M., and Shawn T. Wahl. Business and Professional Communication: Keys for Workplace Excellence. SAGE Publications, 2013.

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