
Fashion Industry

341 words | 2 page(s)

The fashion industry is a billion dollar industry that deals with the creation and selling of clothes and accessories internationally (Major paragraph 1). Prior to the fashion industry, clothes were made by hand, via regular needle and thread sewing or by using a sewing machine at home. People need clothes and footwear to present oneself in public.

The fashion industry is comprised of many levels, including the production of raw materials, including fibers, textiles, leather, and fur. Apparel and fashion accessories made by designers, manufacturers, and contractors are also part of the fashion industry. The third level involves selling the fashion products, which is done through retail stores, outlets, and online sellers. Advertising and promotion are important elements to the fashion industry. Organizations, individuals, and businesses help the fashion industry thrive, these people and businesses concerned with giving consumers what they want at prices that enable these sectors to make a sizable profit that keeps them in business (Major paragraph 3). The fashion industry is such a lucrative business that the United States Fashion Industry Association was created to eradicate obstacles to the textile and apparel business. Members of the association include manufacturers and suppliers, retailers, importers, wholesalers, educational institutions, service providers, and agencies that promote the industry (About the Fashion Industry paragraph 3)

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New York City is a metropolis of the fashion industry, due to its prime location, excellent factories and factory schools, large population, and availability of creative people. Compared to all other cities, New York City also has the most fashion designers, retailers, and headquarters in the United States (Why NYC? paragraph 1).

The fashion industry is a huge international money maker that involved specific levels, such as advertising, selling, manufacturing, and designing. The industry is protected by associations that try to ensure its success and operation. I foresee the fashion industry as going strong for years to come.

  • “About the Fashion Industry.” 2014. United States Fashion Industry Association . Web. 28 August 2014.
  • Major, John S. “Fashion Industry.” 2014. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. . Web. 28 August 2014.
  • “Why NYC?” 2014. New York City Economic Development Corporation . Web. 28 August 2014.

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