
Analysis Of Online Retail Industry in Malaysia

581 words | 2 page(s)

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework in this research consists of four independent variables and an independent variable. The independent variables include internet marketing strategies, mobile marketing strategies, and social media advertising. These independent variables contribute to sales effectiveness, which is a dependent variable. The connection between the dependent and the independent variable is shown in the figure below.

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The factors affecting the sales effectiveness of online retail businesses in Malaysia include internet marketing strategy, mobile marketing strategy, social media advertisement, and consumer behaviour and attitude toward online shopping.


The chapter has focused on the literature review of online shopping. As seen above, empirical evidence has clearly shown that online shopping is a concept that is gaining worldwide acceptance despite opposition from other people. Whereas convenience is the primary reason why many people prefer online shopping, it must be noted that cyber theft and fraud are discouraging many potential consumers. Conversely, scholars have developed theoretical models and conceptual frameworks in an attempt to understand the factors that influence the satisfaction level of online shoppers. The literature review identifies the gaps that exist. Specifically, there is limited literature on the impacts of legislation on online shopping and its correlation with customers’ satisfaction.

Research Methodology

Given the issue under investigation, it would be necessary to conduct comprehensive quantitative research to prove the hypothesis (Wahab and Khong, 2019). Given the variables that have been identified in the previous section, this research will be premised on the correlational studies. In other words, four variables are seemingly affecting one dependent variable. Through correlational studies, it will be possible to tangibly determine the factors that are affecting the sales effectiveness of online retail in Malaysia.

The scope of the study will include consumers and online retailers who are currently residing in Malaysia. Considering that the country is vast, and making a national study can be expensive and time is also limited, the study will mainly focus on Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital city of the country. Kuala Lumpur is particularlycrucial for these studies in the sense that it consists of a diverse population based on age, gender, religion, and socioeconomic background. All these parameters are essential when determining quantitative data.

The target population is the online shoppers in the City of Kuala Lumpur and the online retail business owners. To avoid any cases of bias, a random sampling technique will be used. For the credibility of results, it is vital to have a significant sample. In other words, the sample size should be manageable. As such, in the research, the sample size should be approximately 300, but it is subject to the known and unknown conditions once the real fieldwork has begun.

The proposed data collection methods will be through questionnaires and interviews. A comprehensive questionnaire will be developed and administered to the study participants. With regards to interviews, it will be recorded and transcribed. The data obtained will be analysed by using the latest version of statistical software SPSS.

Ethical considerations will also a vital element of this research. To be specific, before the research is conducted, all the ethical elements that can affect the study will be reviewed. Adhering to the strict ethical conduct such as privacy and confidentiality of the participants is vital, considering the grave ramification of failing to do so (Wahab and Khong, 2019). As such, for the study to remain credible, ethical consideration is necessary. In summary, this chapter will prove or disapprove the hypothesis, which is the backbone of the study.

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