
Business Mentorship

391 words | 2 page(s)

The discussion identifies the relevance of mentorship in business environments. Essentially, employees can enhance their skills, leading to growth once high-quality mentorship is provided. The discussion identifies the gap in mentorship research, whereby the impact of mentorship on female employees is yet to be fully explored. The empirical study mentioned in the discussion identifies a low number of female professionals offering mentorship opportunities to other women. Notably, the discussion identifies gaps in mentoring approaches but fails to explore cross-cultural mentoring.

As indicated in the discussion, the relational mentoring theory identifies three categories that define the nature of the relationship between the mentor and the mentee. Since mentors act as leaders and can inspire their protégé, a relational mentoring approach will ensure that the emotional needs of each party are considered in the communicational strategy. For instance, a female mentor may identify with gender-based discriminatory practices in the corporate setting and offer the mentee support and advice on ethical guidelines for handling such cases. Therefore, the relational mentoring approach endorses interdependent development and both the mentor and mentee can benefit from a mutual learning experience to address emerging challenges (Ragins, 1997).

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Traditional approaches to mentorship are centered on the mentee who receives support. However, the approach may not foster innovative solutions as the exchange of information is limited since the approach is centered on the mentee and the mentor receives limited learning opportunities. While matching female mentors with female mentees may offer relational approaches to the mentoring process, the mentor’s willingness to share information plays a critical role in the learning process. Moreover, matching mentorship programs based on gender may not fully address gaps that are identified in cross-cultural mentoring. Transformational leadership can enhance the interaction between mentors and mentees since the mentors will be willing to share their experience and support the mentees by providing advice and skills that will allow them to align professional responsibilities with their organization’s culture (Ragins, 1997).

The Biblical examples provided in the discussion indicate the relevance of effective mentoring in personal and professional development. Moses learned a great deal from Jethro and shared the leadership lessons with Joshua. Effective mentorship can only be achieved if the communication strategy utilized supports the voluntary exchange of knowledge and experiences.

  • Ragins, B. R. (1997). Diversified Mentoring Relationships in Organizations: A Power Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 22, 2, 482-521.

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