
Does Clothing Reflect Personality?

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Clothing is an expression of personality. The choice of clothing to wear outside of the house is different than choices made of what to wear inside of the house. The time of the day and the destination also play a role of what we choose to wear. The environment and the cultural influence determine the interaction between the individual and the act of choosing what to wear. This relationship is characteristic of style, and is why style is individualistic. Individual expression of personality is characteristic of style as represented by people and their choice of clothing.

The color of the clothing is part of the clothing choice and is representative of emotion in style. Individual choice however is somewhat constrained by the selection of purchasable clothing that truly represent a particular mood or emotion at any given moment. Sports clothing may be bright or dark and either is expected to yield results on the field, court, or track. Clothing targeted for adolescents involve more designs that depict symbols or other various sociocultural cues that identify the wearer to some platform within the pop socio culture of the counter culture. Clothing targeted to older women such as blouses often do not contain such designs and are often floral patterns if any at all.

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Men’s clothing can vary tremendously in style and color. However, cultural ties can specify the kind of clothing and likely colors worn by a particular family. Yellow or blue or red or white may all be colors that represent sociocultural ties to a family or to a family link to a clan. Also, colors may tell how a person feels inside by relaying emotion of a person by the color or by the character represented on the shirt. Such an assumption may not really be true about the person’s supposed feelings but perhaps with adolescence there are socio cultural cues that are notable with the color as an indicator of underlying emotional feeling.

Nationality is a critical link between family and sociocultural ties. The color of clothing as well as the overall style displayed by the individual is likely to be representative of the link to the broader extended family which may include members outside of the nuclear and extended relative members of the family. The link to Latin America may be shown by wearing yellow clothing or yellow soccer clothing. The link to gothic culture may be shown by dressing in black and wearing gothic style clothing. Trends in clothing reflect the styles seen in society on influential people, such as when models or actresses wear gowns by brand name designers and premiere at red carpet events.

Clothing and personality are often in synch or else the person changes clothing. Only if the right clothing is too expensive to own and the person must wear clothing relative to a budget and therefore does not wear the right kind of clothing but maybe the right color or maybe the fit is good, something redeeming about the clothing is sought to feel comfortable. A suit is often considered requisite clothing when meeting at corporate events or discussing business events at business meetings. A person feels elevated when wearing a suit or a tuxedo. The social event that seeks such attire is ‘cool’ after all, everybody wants to be cool.

The nationality of students in primary and secondary schools also influence the type of clothing worn. Although outside of the home and in environments outside of school nationality may influence a different style of clothing or the same style of clothing as in school but with more urban appeal. Personality becomes a representation of family and societal influence on family style. Clothing may actually be imported from a mother or foreign country and worn by the family. Additionally, a school or work uniform may be worn which reflects the personality as a professional display of a professional at work.

The advertisement showing policemen, firefighters, businessmen, and others dressed as they are is because they perform a professional function when dressed as those individuals. The societal influence is in the role the professional plays in society which is shown by the clothing that represents the underlying personality. As such, policemen are expected to be helpful and courteous when approached by a civilian. Nurses are expected to be helpful and knowledgeable about assisting patients when wearing the uniform.

A person wearing normal every day wear or non-professional clothing that may have nationality as a primary characteristic and reflective of the choice of the clothing is traveling in around the environment, the sociological cue of the clothing facilitates a response which influences how others see and portray you in their mind. Therefore, a personality is reflected by what others may think about another person. If others greatly admire someone because of their clothing, the person being admired may not reciprocate the sentiment of wanting to be admired because the individual may not be seeking attention for that reason.

Personality is also reflective of budget, which is why some children are teased because of what they wear to school. Clothing is therefore reflective of changing a child’s personality based on society reaction to the choice of clothing. A child from a poor family may wear cheap dark clothing and feel sad because of the teasing by the school kids. The teasing along with the feeling of knowing his clothing is low cost influences the choice in color of the clothing, restricting the choice to a narrow band of dark colors. A more wealthy child may choose to wear clothing that has a broader color band and style choice than a offering to a poor child. Clothing also may not have any meaning at any time if clothing worn around the household is worn by the individual. Around the yard or inside of the house often is older clothing and has little influence.

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