
Leadership Portfolio

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This discussion is about servant leadership. The intention of this report is to gain personal insight by inner reflection from the knowledge required during this class; thereby, transforming a student into an effective, efficient, and professional leader. This quest was accomplished by weekly assignments, including questionnaires. In addition to this process, students had to self-evaluate themselves and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses; furthermore, this process was performed utilizing a methodical approach after studying a particular style of leadership on a weekly basis.

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Servant Leadership Style Approach
This style of leadership focuses on honesty and serving their team members. They are attentive, pay close attention to the needs of their workers, are empathetic towards their staff, and facilitate personal growth within their employees. There are ten characteristics an individual must possess in order receive positive outcomes. These traits are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment in the growth of people, and building community (Northouse, 2016, pp. 225-237). This type of management is best suited for individuals who enjoy working with others on the same plateau and are open to feedback from their employees as well as having the ability make changes when necessary.
Further inspection of the ten characteristics is necessary for an individual to assess his or her strengths and weaknesses. I have reflected upon these qualities as follows:

‘Servant leaders communicate by listening first’ (Northouse, 2016, p.227). I have an open door policy, and I believe that paying attention to what another co-workers point of view is essential in relationship building; furthermore, the ability to allow the follower to lead in certain areas of their expertise is essential. This process further enhances their skill sets and builds confidence on a mutual plateau. However, one of my weaknesses in this area is that I fail to always convey my thoughts and feelings. This is an area that I am currently developing by first, thinking about what I wish to say before verbalizing.

This characteristic shows acts of caring for one’s fellow worker and compassion. I am very respectful and considerate of other individual’s feelings (Northouse, 2016, p.227). Nonetheless, I need to find a balance for not being taken advantage of and taking on a greater workload.

This trait assists staff members with their personal situations and as a leader one facilitates in helping them find solutions (Northouse, 2016, p. 228). I always lend a helping hand or ear. I maintain confidentiality, which is important in the workplace.

The ability to step out of a given situation and reflect upon the circumstances within the workforce and what impact a person is displaying is necessary. This skillset mandates attention to nonverbal cues as well (Northouse, 2016, p. 228).I am weak in this area of expertise, especially when we are extremely busy. I need to learn to slow down and reevaluate conditions when necessary.

Coaxing is a vital skill set and should be done in a kindly fashion to receive cooperation by one’s members. I always kind to others and acknowledge their efforts (Northouse, 2016, p. 228). I have found that if I ask them nicely and provide a rationale, others reciprocate more easily.

This process is necessary to gain a broader perspective of the organization as a whole. Daily routines do not necessarily encompass this notion. Perplexities of the institution as a whole are visualized (Northouse, 2016, p. 228).Although this trait is not part of my job description nor do I have authority, I will start engaging in the conferment of my ideas.

The ability to forecast the future based on past and present events is essential in this undertaking; furthermore, a leader must be accountable and initialize implantation of new policies and procedures. Communication skills are of the great essence in this process (Northouse, 2016, p. 228). Within my job function, I can see certain situations, such as being understaffed for the next day and I raise awareness to my superior. Although I am limited in this capacity based on my position, I can make mental notations of situations and reflect on what I would do in these circumstances.

A manager must take reasonability within their units and uphold standards for the good of the company as a whole (Northouse, 2016, p. 228). I am always accountable for my actions, and I believe that this is important for personal and group growth development. This skill is vital for trust development amongst group members.

Commitment in the Growth of People
Assisting others in realizing their fullest potential and allowing for opportunities for team members to expand their personal growth is crucial. A leader should enable the worker to take on assignments and perform new tasks; thereby, giving them a sense of self-worth and confidence (Northouse, 2016, p. 228). I thrive in this area. I love to mentor students or newly graduated nurses; thus, to help them feel more comfortable and in their learning process. Frequently, fellow nurses experiencing difficulty with technological changes request my assistance.

Building the Community
Shared goals as a group are especially important for a harmonious, long-lasting environment, and this action gives back to others in a selfless way. Individuals can feel safe and secure (Northouse, 2016, p 229). I believe that I make significant attempts to make others feel safe and assist when needed without being asked. We each take turns to bring in food items for each other to enjoy, or we indulge in potluck on days we know we are going to be busy. Then again, I tell fellow nurses how well they did. People appreciate being noticed for their good deeds.

Plan of Action
My plan of action is to continue to focus on my shortcomings, pay attention to my surroundings, listen first, speak up when needed in a positive manner and continue to concentrate on the areas of weaknesses mentioned in the above paragraphs. Furthering my education will continue to ensure that I continue my personal growth as well.

This style of leadership integrates a wide variety of mannerisms that can be incorporated into other leadership types. The primary focus of these qualities is the ability to serve others; thus, this approach is holistic in nature. Additionally, a reflection of a variety of skill traits is required to succeed effectively in this management style. After reviewing my strengths and weaknesses, I can focus on what I need to achieve to succeed as a servant leader; furthermore, I intend to develop and integrate this form of management into other types of leadership as well.

  • Northouse, P. G. (2016).’Leadership: Theory and practice'(7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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